Low- Andy x Reader

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(Warning: Abuse, Mistreatment and self hate)

I can't believe that asshole Andrew Dennis Biersack. I work with the worst person in the world. I am the Black Veil Brides photographer and Andy is the most aggravating person I've ever met.

After work I return home to plot my next robbery. I am a supervillain, and I'm in love with a hero.

Now there is something called the Villain Death Ledger. In the book there are millions of rules villains must memorize before they can call themselves a villain. The one rule I'm focusing on is Rule #1: Never have any kind of relations attractions to the enemy.

I have broken that rule.

My nemesis is Shadow Veil, He is absolutely perfect in every way and he makes my heart melt with just a smile.

Anyways I decided to let out some anger by destroying some buildings, that usually makes me feel better. Shadow Veil always stops me and I love it.

As I command my new toy around I get pulled out of the cockpit and thrown to the ground. "Aww Already? You know you are no fun at all." I fake pout, looking up I realize it's not Shadow.

"Violent Vendetta, stand up and fight like a villain for fucks sake. You have to learn to actually DEFEAT YOUR ENEMIES!" He shouts.

"Sorry Dad..." I say sheepishly. He must have found out about last weeks fight with Shadow Veil.

"I'm starting to thing you enjoy staring at your enemies than actually fighting." He says, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

"Dad, what if I don't want to be a bad guy anymore?" I mumble.

"Y/n How many times do I have to tell you, You are the Daughter of the greatest Villain of all time! I defeated my Arch Nemesis! You have a family who is counting on you, one wrong move could disappoint the whole family! Do you really want that?!" He yells.

"N-no Father." I say shakily, wishing for him to leave. "You are the worst daughter anyone could could ever end up with!" And with a slap to the face he left.

I sat there crying my anger out when I heard footsteps and I felt someone sit beside me.

I look up and see Shadow Veil with a genuine concerned face. "Just throw me in prison already." I sneer, getting up and wiping my tears. "No." He said.

"What?" "No. I heard everything, I won't just stand by and let him hurt you again." He says softly, standing up and turning me to face him. He slowly goes to take of my mask and I flinch.

"I would never hurt you Vendetta. I promise." He calmly says raising his hand to try again, this time I let him expose my identity. "Y/n?" He gasps.

"H-How do you know my name?" I ask, feeling my cheeks heat up. He takes off his mask.

"Andy?" I back away slowly. "Why would you care at all. Y-you hate me." "What? I never hated you. You always ignored me or fought with me, it was kind of cute actually." He smiles that smile I love oh so much.

"I was scared to fall for anyone so I just- I- I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so sorry Andy." I start to feel the tears returning. "I deserve to be punished."

He grabs my hands and pulls me into a hug and I hug back crying. "I broke the main rule of being a villain." "There are rules?" He joked. "I fell in love with my Arch Nemesis." I look up at him and give a small smile.

"Well if I had this rule then I broke it too." He smirked. For once in my life I took charge and pulled him in for a kiss. He kisses back and said "Y/n, would you do me the greatest honor and allow me to be your boyfriend and take you out on Friday?"

"Yes, Of course I will Andy."

I smile and for the first time since my mom abandoned me and my dad,

I felt safe.

(A/n: I know this is shit i just had feelings soooo yeah idk, Later Berries)

Black Veil Brides Imagines (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang