Getting Prepared

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As soon as we arrived at the big arena in Columbus , Ohio I just couldn't believe It I had to blink my eyes twice to realize if this was real. That Me The Abbie Adkins from Wv is here getting ready to watch my idols and the boy I had a special place in my heart for ( Harry ). The excitement took over my whole entire body , butterflies filled my lower abdomen , my head filled like it could soar , I could just feel the adrenaline rush. Whenever I walked inside of the HUGE MASSIVE STADIUM my heart started beating on my chest it absolutely took my breath away the huge arena could at least hold up to at least 90,000 people. I was 1 out of 90,000 whenever I got to my seat I never realized how close I was to the stage and runway I would have a perfect view of the boys including Harry. And HARRY Could see me that was what made my stomach flip like a burger. So to kill time I just stood awaiting with my best friend , mother and little sister in the huge arena waiting for the boys to come out and serenade me.

I was backstage inside the dressing room with the lads getting ready for yet another concert for our " ON THE ROAD AGAIN TOUR ". I listened in on Niall's conversation with Liam and the reason of that being was because my name was mentioned. I spoke up and said what are you guys talking about? It got silent. I'm waiting on a answer fellas , Liam spoke in a nice way Harry when are you going to start looking for a woman friend? Oh My Goodness here we go again I've heard this conversation once too many times and I'm sick of it so I spoke up and said When the time is right guys I haven't found the right girl that makes me want to change for her I want someone special someone that sticks out , someone who will like me for me and not my bank account / Fame. What I'm trying to say guys I want a girl who will love me for me and I emphasized on " THE HARRY STYLES " I was trying to make a point to them and they caught on quite quick that was when Paul walked in and said your on in 5 boys so get packed up and let's go. All of us got out of the position leaving the lounge chairs that we were just sitting in to perform for yet another crowd. As soon as I walked down the hallway that lead us to the stage I could hear the roar of the crowd that we will be placed in front of here in just a few seconds. I couldn't wait for what would be placed in front of me as soon as I hit that stage who knows maybe my future wife will be out there waiting for me to notice her.

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