Things have shaped up to be pretty odd

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Brendon Urie was walking down the street, by himself. He was drinking a small beer and wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with cackeys and a black shirt. Brendon looked down at his phone. His wife, Sarah had texted him. " I'm waiting at Panara right now, I got us some lightly creamed coffee. Yours is getting cold. " she texted urgently. Brendon quickened his pace and opened the driver door of his Ford Mustang. "I know, I'm coming, I'm coming. " he muttered to himself as he put the keys in and turned them to start the car running. He put his foot on the petal and began to drive over. When he reached the parking lot, a mob of hippies surrounded his car. Brendon gasped and began to open his door. People began to hug him and repeat. "Oh, I love you Brendon Urie!" or, "Could I have you're autograph? " Brendon was surprised these drunken hippies even knew who he was in their trance. The hippies tugged on his loose sweatshirt and tried to grab his hair. Brendon pushed through the crowd and opened the door to Panara and ran inside. He panted, for he wasn't expecting that to happen. Especially in the Panara parking lot. He looked through the restaurant and finally found Sarah on a couch with a coffee table in front of it. "I saw those hippies out there yelling at you, " Sarah said worriedly, "Yeah, a mob of well, superfans, " Brendon laughed sarcastically and began to drink his coffee. " Look, I was worried for you out there Brendon. They started tugging on your clothing" Brendon looked up at Sarah. "Look, this happens at stores alot too, its, well, odd" Sarah moved closer to Brendon. "Well, you are popular. But that, " Sarah frowned, "That's more than odd. " Brendon sighed while he finished his coffee, then threw it out in the trash can beside him. "Oh, I can handle a little bit of fans, well a lot I guess" he sat back down and hugged Sarahs waist with his fright arm. "Really? " Sarah was surprised. After they spoke, they went out side together to get into the Mustang. The hippies had cleared away, so they we're free and safe to move without disruption. "My question is, how you we're going to be here in the first place, " Brendon laughed and shrug. "I don't know, " Sarah rose an eyebrow, " You could have been hurt, " Brendon sighed and kept driving until they reached their house.

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