I try not to write tragedies

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Brendon and Sarah reached their house and piled out of the car. He took his keys out of his pocket and began to unlock the front door to his house. When they both got inside, they walked into the livingroom, and sat on the couch together. Brendon turned to his wife, still shook by the event that happened at Panera.  "What's wrong Brendon, " Sarah asked as if she had no clue.  Brendon looked at her as if she had just lost her mind.  " Well,  what do you think? " he raised his eyebrows.  "I was attacked by a mob of hippies and I kid you not,  they started pulling on my clothing. " Sarah nodded,  "Right, " She sighed and looked around contently.  "But I thought you were upset about something else. " Brendon pulled Sarah into a hug.  "Look,  I'm ok.  There's really nothing to worry about now, " he got up and walked into the kitchen,  setting his keys down on the granite marble countertop. Then,  he trudged over to his computer desk in his room,  bent down to get his song writing notebook,  and sat at his piano. He uncapped the pen with his teeth and began to mess around with the keys. "A,  C,  B flat, " he sang as he tried to think of words that would fit chords and notes for the perfect song.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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