Lapis X Peridot (Lapidot)

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Can I just start off by saying that Lapis was a total bitch to Peridot at the beginning? Like Peridot was trying so hard to be friends with Lapis and there she was being a bitch. She destroyed Peridot's tape recorder which was like the only thing she had.

After they become friends though, it's totally fine! I keep waiting for that Lapis/Peridot fusion but it won't come! Damn you Rebecca Sugar!


(Something not related but also kinda related: I really want to watch Steven Universe Future when it comes out on December 7th! But it comes out on December 7th in America! I live in the U.K, so I haven't a clue when it will air for me. I asked around on Discord and someone thought it was aired everywhere at the same time, which basically means I'm going to have to wake up at like 2 a.m to watch it. I don't have time for that. So by the time I wake up on that Saturday, it's going to already be over! So does anyone know where I could watch it afterwards?)

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