Chapter 2: Diving

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It was the seventh week of the semester, meaning it was recess slash mid-term examination week. The library had been a classic, popular choice for students to cram, including Jisung and Minho. After having quickly found out how compatible they were, they had been spending quite some time together, mostly after classes, where they would have lunch together and begin chitchatting for hours. Minho would need to rush to his next class, so Jisung would normally follow up in the evening via text and they would continue their random discourse well into the night. Not to mention, they would hang out off-campus occasionally, or meet on-campus when there was a need to, like today's study session. They had agreed to revise Accounting together and Minho had secured a table in the study area for them. Jisung had never gone to the library past the information counter before, so he had struggled a bit finding Minho.

Minho had a serious look on his face, eyes scanning the A4 papers spread in front of him. Jisung approached him, pouting. "It was really hard to spot you."

Minho looked up and smirked. "Your eyes are bad even though you have your glasses on today?"

"You should have stood out more," Jisung kept on complaining as he took the seat beside Minho which had been reserved for him.

"What could I have done?"

"Put up a banner saying 'Jisung I'm waiting for you here'."

Minho jeered. "No way."

"I'm serious! That's the least you could have done for me. Aren't I your favorite junior?" Jisung lowered his head, almost level to the table surface, peeking at Minho's face who was looking down.

Feeling Jisung's gaze on him, Minho could not help but chuckle. He turned towards Jisung who was then grinning ear to ear and ruffled his hair. "Yes, yes, my favorite junior. Now go study."

Minho had said that with a smile and sparkly eyes. Perhaps Jisung had always had a hidden soft spot for handsome guys, which only lately he had been conscious of. Oftentimes when they hung out, he could locate girls sneaking glances at Minho, although the person himself never noticed. His beauty was undebatable and sometimes put even Jisung in awe. Jisung proceeded to prepare his own stuff - a laptop, a foolscap book, a pencil and an eraser. They went on to study in silence. Jisung understood that Minho disliked being disturbed when he was concentrating, so he pressured himself to study effectively too. When he was doubtful about anything, he would poke Minho slightly in the arm to get his attention, then ask his question without beating around the bush. 

After approximately two hours, Jisung pushed his laptop aside to make more space for his face to lay on, right cheek flat on the table and eyes at Minho's direction. No longer able to contain his boredom, he whispered calling for Minho's name. Once, Minho did not budge. Twice, Minho still did not budge. Thrice, Minho finally snorted and pinched Jisung's cheek. "What?" He asked impatiently.

"I'm bored," Jisung managed to speak even with one cheek pressed against the table and another pulled mercilessly.

"Did you even study properly?"

"I did! I'm almost done."

Minho glanced over at Jisung's laptop screen. Indeed, it displayed the latest lecture notes, indicating that Jisung had finished going through the major substances of the module. It might have come off as surprising to Minho because Jisung had always acted like he never listened to the lecturer. "Wow, and I thought you're stupid."

"Hey!" Jisung kicked Minho's chair leg as a form of protest. Minho giggled and kicked Jisung's chair leg back. "I think I study well, but I tend to get bored easily," Jisung elaborated.

"Ah, I can see that," Minho concurred, which led Jisung to raise an eyebrow. "You don't think I've never caught you looking at me intensely during class, like you want to say something badly? That is very distracting."

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