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this one is a very very long one, no triggers necessarily, but it's kind of a mess.

this chapter cuts between two days, the one in the dorm was right after Halloween, and the one in the cafe was about two weeks after. sorry if it's confusing. thanks.


November 3rd

"I-I-I don't fucking believe you, Rachel! I come home and you're fucking your ss-sss-s- Fuck!" Bill fell onto his bed, head in one hand while the other held a script. He groaned frustratingly, slamming the script onto the blanket next to him. "Hey, it's okay, Bill! Let's try it from the top, alright?" Richie was sitting on the bed across from his roommate, holding his own script in his rough, pale hands. Bill nodded and stood up again, taking a deep breath. "I-I can't fucking believe you, Rachel! I come home and you're fucking your secretary? Where the hell do you get off?!"

"Hon, I swear it's not what it looks like," Richie said in a high, feminine voice, not knowing the first thing about acting. "No. You know what? That's it. I g-gave you a chance and you fucking b-buh-b- shit!" Bill groaned again and fell back on his Star Wars comforter. "Th-this is fucked!"

Richie stood up quickly and sat next to his friend, trying to rid the memory of when he witnessed his two closest buddies going at it like rabbits on Halloween night. "No, it was so good! You only stuttered once, Bill!" He said, trying his best to fill the confidence that his friend was losing, like the air in a fading balloon. "Y-Yeah, I stuttered. I'm n-not supposed to s-ss-stutter at all!" The brunette said and huffed while throwing the script across the room. He picked up his matching Star Wars pillow and shoved it into his face. "I d-don't know how I'm supposed to get th-this role if I keep fucking stuttering!" He said, the words muffled as he spoke them into Yoda's fabric face.

"Dude, when you're acting, the stutter is almost completely gone," the taller man said, running his hand through his friend's auburn hair in a calming manner. "You're really good, Bill, and I'm sure with more practice, you'll get it down!" He said, and the brown haired man slowly peaked out from behind the pillow. "R-really?" He spoke softly, looking up at his tall roommate with tears in his eyes. Richie nodded furiously. Bill smiled and sat up. "Now, pip pip and tally ho, Billy Boy! Let's start from the top!" He stood up and spoke loudly with a terrible British accent, but it still made Bill laugh nonetheless.

The two practiced again, and again, and eventually Bill was nearing the end, not stuttering once throughout the entire dialogue.

"You have disappointed me for the last fucking time, Rachel. Get out of my house." Bill spat, eyebrows furrowed with anger. "But-" Richie spoke his line. "No fucking buts, Rache. Out."

Richie started clapping which made Bill smile and bow. "You did it!! Fuck yeah, Big Bill!" Richie said and congratulated his friend on completing the scene. As the tall man cheered, the door opened and in walked a confused looking Stan. "What's this about?" He said, placing his books on the desk. He'd started coming over more often, for his roommate, Reginald, was obnoxious and dirty, and Stan despised him.

Richie ran over to the Jewish boy excitedly. "Big Bill did his scene for acting class! Without a single fucking stutter!" He grinned, making the shorter boy's eyes widen in surprise. "Really? Shit, that's awesome Bill, congrats!" The curly haired boy picked up his friend in a soft hug, and lingered on it a little longer by keeping his hand on Bill's shoulder when they separated. "Th-thanks, Stan." He blushed at the touch and smiled while looking at his feet. Richie watched this encounter and snickered to himself. Damn lovebirds.

The two grinned, but then parted after an awkward moment of Richie waiting for someone to speak. No one did. "So, just over to study again, Stan the Man?" The tall man asked, looking through his friend's textbooks. The shorter man waved his big hands away and picked up the expensive books, holding them close to his chest. He couldn't trust Richie near them, for last time the klutz borrowed his history book, he got mustard all over George Washington's face. "Yeah, but I need to talk about something too," he said, and the two taller boys took seats on furniture, waiting for the Jewish boy to continue. "What's the deal with Eddie?"

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