A date

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You wake up to see a cute sleeping Jin and you smile at his cute face when he's peacefully asleep. You slowly try getting up to make breakfast but you were pulled back down by two strong arms into an embrace.

"No... I'll make breakfast" he said with a rusty voice from just waking up "I didn't know you were awake" you giggled and hugged him back "Y/N... I think I'm the luckiest man alive" you smile and bite your lip before asking "why?" "Because I get to marry you" he said and pulled you way a bit to look at you.

You giggle "cute~" his face became more serious "Y/N... I'm serious I- I love you...." you smile uncontrollably and cant speak anymore you were saying nothing but gibberish "Y/N... you okay?" You nod "I-I also love you... hehe I LOVE YOU KIM SEOKJINNNNN" you say and hug him tightly.

He giggled and kissed your forehead before letting go and getting up "Let me go make breakfast now my angel..." he said before leaving the room leaving you to bury your face into your pillow smiling nonstop.

After a while you finally got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen "Jin~" you run up to him and he gives you a confused look "Jin?... why don't you call me something else?" Flustered from the sudden question you didn't know what to say. "Mmmm like... Oppa!"

You felt your cheeks become hot and noticeable as Jin laughed "You're why now but last nigh-" you put your hand on his mouth before he could finish his sentence. "YOUURsD BEMNvvyRReTyDsddsDd" his voice was mumbled so you couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Huh?" You took your hand off his mouth and he smiled "your embarrassed?" You just nodded not wanting to say it out loud and he smiled even wider "cute~"

"Then let's eat!" He exclaimed and you nodded feeling excited to eat his food like always.

After eating

Jin was washing the dishes when you shout "Oppa!" And Jin almost dropped the dish he was washing. "Oppa~" you got closer to him as he turned around to face you "y-yeah? Jagi?"

You giggled at how flustered he got "don't you have work?" He smiled and shook his head "No, I'm taking the day off..." you gave him a confused look "why?"

He went to you and wrapped his arm around you "to spend time with my fiancé of course" you smile and hug him "you know Jagi..." he got all tense as if he was going to say something really important.

"Yeah?" "I want to go somewhere together" "where?" "You'll see" he winked and you covered your tomato face "r-right now?" You peeked moving one finger and saw him nodding "Ah! And don't forget to wear something nice of course hehe"

You nodded and ran upstairs to get ready quickly "My new clothesssss!!" You ran to your bags and took out a cute dress.

You nodded and ran upstairs to get ready quickly "My new clothesssss!!" You ran to your bags and took out a cute dress

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You went downstairs and saw Jin looking handsome as always. "You ready?" He said looking excited and as you were about to reply his phone started ringing.

"Ugh let me turn thi-" he stopped when he saw who was calling. "Oh... it must be important... let me take this really quickly" he said as he slid to call and left the room.

You were confused but just sat down on the couch waiting for him. He finally came with a worried face "you okay?" You asked scared something bad happened "yeah I just... I have to go it a business emergency" you nod your head understanding.

"Let me take you first... I'll come back okay" "okay..." he took you to a fancy restaurant and you were amazed but then saw as he hurriedly left leaving you with some waiters that were already paid to help you since... the whole restaurant was rented out.

You waited and waited and waited... and waited. After some time a waitress went up to you and asked "hello! Miss, Mr. Kim told me to take your order" you looked at the menu and then back to the waitress "anything?"

"Yup anyyyyyyyything" she smiled and you smiled back showing her the menu and pointing at the things you want "I want this and this and this and omggggg this looks good." She nodded trying to not laugh.

As she walked away you heard her whisper "she really is pregnant..." and you giggled "I am eating for two hehe"

2 hours later you finished your food and asked for some dessert "here is your ice cream sundae miss" she said placing down the I cream right in front of you. She stared at you as you ate all alone and then finally took all her courage to speak "Miss... would you like me to accompany you?"

"Sure why not?" You smiled as she sat down "I'm Wendy by the way" she said sticking her arm out for a handshake "nice to meet you Wendy I'm Y/-" you shook her hand "Y/N... right we all know your name hehe"

"9h hehe" you scratch the back of your head a bit shy feeling like your a celebrity "how can Mr.Kim leave his adorable wife all alone" she says pouting "Wife... hehe... HeEHEehe" "Cute~"

"Let's be friends" she said smiling and you nod your head "hehe ok Wendy" she kept you company and you both got to know each other until another worker called her over.

You watched as the worker told her soemthing and you saw her wide smile fade into a frown. She walked back worried and nervous as she played with her fingers a lot. "What's wrong?"

"Y/N..." she looked at you with puppy eyes and grabbed both your hands gently "Mr.Kim he..." "what happened?!!"

"He's in the hospital..."

Jangmi // Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now