It's all just a MEMORY

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You bumped into people as you ran into the hospital crying and you see Jins parents waiting so you run to them.

"Mom!!" "My daughterrr" she hugged you and pat your back "h-how is Jin?!!" You let go and looked at them worried for Jin. His father looked at how you were dressed and then spoke "he's fine but... he hit his head really hard"

"C-can I see him?" You asked playing with your dresses skirt. "Yeah... but only one person can go at a time. You nodded and quickly going into his room.

You saw him sleeping and ran to him "Oppa!" You hug him tightly making him wake up and slowly open his eyes "Ugh..."

"Oppa..." you felt tears about to fall while Jin looked at you with no expression. "Who areeeee you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"W-What?" You looked at him not believing what you heard "I said... who are you?" You felt your whole world start crumbling from one question. "J-Jin..." he pushes you off a bit.

"Who said you can call me so casually?" His eyebrows furrowed. That was it... your tears started flowing out. "Y-Yah you once told me... you hate seeing girls cry" Jin smirked "yeah... pretty girls" "what?" "Get out" "b-but..." "GET OUTTTT!!" He yelled shocking you since that was the first time he has ever yelled at you before.

You ran out of the room crying and his mother saw that "honey what's wrong?" "H-he..." "Let me talk to him..." his father said before going into his room without hesitation.

You saw as the door closed behind him and in the back Jin glaring at you, piercing your heart.

With Jin

Jins father walked in and sat next to him "son..." "Dad... who was that girl?" "Ummm she's... she's your fiancé..." "What?!! Why would I marry her???" He whined not believing it "you impregnated her"

"Where's the proof????" His father thought for a second and then explained his own thoughts "I don't know... I also don't trust her..." Jin gave his father puppy eyes and asked of him "please father I don't want to marry her"

"I know I know... you don't have to... you know there was this one girl you talked about... you were really in love with her" his father lied right through his teeth. "

"Huh? Really then... who is she?" His father smiled "her name is Seulgi and you two were engaged until... that girl ruined everything"

"Can't I marry her instead father?" His father nodded evilly "of course..."

With Y/N

As his father walked out of his room he gave you a judging look. "Look here Y/N... you are not or ever going to marry my son understood?" You stood there frozen as his eyes felt like they were stabbing you. "What?"

"He's going to marry his true love... Seulgi" his mother looked at him strangely "what are you talking about Jagi?" His mother hit his arm "he's marrying Seulgi..." "b-but" "stay out of it Jagi"

As his parents left you felt your body become numb and... "Y/N!!" Before you had hit the ground you were held by two arms "Wendy?" "I-I cane after my shift but... what's wrong?" "I-I..." Wendy hugged you seeing you were having trouble to not cry "It's okay... tell me later, first you need to calm down.

After calming down you told her everything that happened "THE F***** PEICE OF S*** DOES HE WANT ME TO ***** ***** IN HIS ***** I SWEAR HES GOING TO ****** A ***** IF I EVER SEE HIM!!"

"Woah woah clam down" you tried calming her down while trying to hold in your laughter "I mean their both insane!!BOTH OF THEM Mr. Kim and his father. I mean... how could he forget about such a cute and gorgeous fiancé! Pregnant Fiancé!"

"I know... he's never acted that way to me before..." Wendy saw you get sad again and pulled you up "let's go" "Huh? But he hates me..." "go go go go you can make him fall for you again" she said while winking before pushing you into his room and closing the door shut.

"Ah!" You saw Jin laying down while reading a book "what do you want?" "Ummmmmm nothing..." you turned around to leave but Wendy was too strong.

"Actually... I wanted to see how you were doing" you said turning around and walking towards him. "I'm fine... now leave" you saw as he placed his book faced down giving you an annoyed face "yes..." you opened the door forcefully with all your strength and left the room.

"What did he say?" "Wendy... I need some time to think..." "Y/N..." you walked away and began walking to wherever until you somehow ended up at your old job. "Y/N??!!" Tae was shocked to see you all of a sudden until you spoke "Taeeeeee" your voice cracked trying not to cry in front of him.

"What's wrong?" He immediately took his apron off and walked to you and turned the sign to closed.

You told him everything while you drank some juice since you can't drink coffee. "So yeah..." "are you okay?" You just nod not wanting to worry him when you heard the door open thinking it's strange since the store is closed now. But you hear... "THAT BASTARD PRINCE LOOKING B*****!"

You turned around and saw Joy "how did you-"
"I called her..." Tae admitted as Joy walked up to you and sat next to you. "How are you?" You frowned feeling at home with Joy here "broken" she pat her shoulder telling you to lay and cry it all out on her shoulder.

After that long day you slept at your old place with Joy and woke up sore everywhereeeee.

You got up and looked at yourself in the mirror your hair all messy, Silvia marked on your cheek and your puffy and red eyes.

"HahahahhaHhahHAHAHahahHahHahhahaHAAHHahHaA! I look so UgLyYyyY roight nowwww" you laughed before fixing yourself up and humming happily.

You felt better than yesterday since last night you decided you would... NEVER give up on him.

"Done!" You finished the porridge you were making for him and borrowed some of Joys clothes.

"Done!" You finished the porridge you were making for him and borrowed some of Joys clothes

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"KIM SEOKJIN!! You WILL fall for me again! HhahahHhHahahhHAAAhaha!!!!"

Jangmi // Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now