Part 1 - Halloween Prompt - The White Lily

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October 26th, Mingde University, Shanghai...

Amidst the dim light of the moon and the gentle breeze blowing through the leaves that night, a faint cry was heard from one of the rooms in the university, the Bridge Room, simultaneously.

"No!!!" She shouted, panicked.

"NO!!!" He shouted after her. "I won't do that."

"Could you both shut up?" Someone exclaimed as he began to feel annoyed with the shouts of the two people who didn't even bother to hide to anyone that they're avoiding each other.


"It's a dare!" Exclaimed Ximen again. "And both of you chose dare. So... If both of you don't want to do that, should we change your choices into a truth?"

"NO!" Ah Si and Shancai shouted louder as they shook their heads furiously. "NO TRUTH!" they shouted again in unison.

Meizuo cleared his throat as he tried to hold his smile while seeing their faces at that time. Secretly glancing towards them, he silently shook his head.

For a 'quarreling EX-couple' both of you surely have unified thinking.

It's really hard to say the truth, right?

"So?" Asked Ximen again, feigning ignorance. "Do we have a deal?"

Ah Si slowly turned towards Shancai, eager to know her next reaction to Ximen, but as upset as he was that time, he couldn't help to think that she was so cute when she was being nervous like that as she fidgeted her fingers on her laps.

Sighing, he then turned again towards Ximen and opened his mouth to talk. "Explain to me again. The mechanics."

Ximen let out an exasperated sigh, "So... here's the dare for both of you. As you know, our University has a story or a tale whatever you named it, that since 20 years ago, in every Halloween, exactly October 31st, the white ghost will come to the rooftop. Then after she left, there would be a white lily in every morning, the same flower as her name, Lily. Some people said that they had seen her, but until now, there's no proof that they really had seen her, only a story, passed from person to person." Ximen took a deep breath before continuing his talk. "Then, for your information, the investigation for her death had been stopped now. They had three suspects, that time, and all of them had been proven not guilty unless proven otherwise. They still haven't found any proof of the three suspect's involvement."

"Tell me again, why they suspected these three." Ah Si asked as he began to feel curious about the case. He did hear about the white lily ghost story, but before this 'dare', he never took any attention towards the case. But since he has to investigate the case with Shancai, he had to know the clues, as much as he could.

"The three of them were the last three people who were seen with her. One is a cleaning service in this university until now, Mr. He, and the other two are Mr. Lin, now our university soccer coach, and Mr. Zhang, now our music club teacher."


Seeing the other quiet, Ximen talked again, "There're some rumors that every Halloween night, Mr.He would always doing his job, cleaning, especially in the anatomy room, where this bone belongs to." He then took out a box from his pocket and opened it to show the phalanges bone inside.

"A bone?" Asked Ah Si incredulously.

Ximen nodded. "Some people said that Mr.He always went to the anatomy room to clean the bones because they said that there're some real bones of the white ghost there, one of them is this bone. I took it only for now, but I will return it later."

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