After You Left

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I screamed after you left I cried after you left I wanted you after you left I wanted you to come back and say psych after you left I wanted you to joke after you left I wanted you say it was a mistake after you left I wanted you to come home and kiss me after you left but you left and all I've been left is left alone I am broken after you left I'm hollow after you left and I still miss you after you left. You left and you say you feel my pain but you don't I'm alone with this pain after you left, left with hollow empty memories left with shallow broken promises left with inside jokes that I laugh and then remember and wince in pain after  you left with a big part of my world with coming to a screeching halt do you left and I wanted to move on you left I just want to wear your hoodie and remember you after you left you left me with this hollow you left and you left me with something that couldn't be filled with anything besides you at least for now you left a person size hole where a person size hole shouldn't be I know it'll waning and become smaller with time, time is what I don't have right now and right now is when I want you back and wish you never left I wish we had a great day I wish we were on that date and I wish I wouldn't suffer with what you had left behind I wish I still had you left but I don't, I have in life is sadness. I screamed after you left I cried after you left I mourn for loss of you after you left. You left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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