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The night moon was hanging on the sky, showing his pelt with beautiful stars. Two young wolf's were seen sitting on a big rock. They whispered to each other while the soft wind brushed there pelts. " What do you want, Manoui? " the bigger grey wolf said. Manoui, the white female, looked at him. " Don't disrespect me! I need time. " she growled. Some time past and the lighter wolf began to speak. " Lars.. I am in love with you. " she finally dared to say. Lars was confused and flattened his ears into his sleek face. " Love me? " he murmured. "Yes!" Manoui said. "Want to be my fiancée?" She said in a high-pitched voice. Lars was not really interested, but he also did t want to break someone's heart. He quickly groomed his fluffy main. "Manoui, I always loved you back. But I need more time to think about what you just said."
The night fell still as the sun casted an orange skyline through the huge trees. "Let's get back, they will think that we are lost."

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