Chapter 41

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'That day... I made a very poor decision, and instead of being there for you... I casted you away, and (Y/n)... as soon as I could no longer feel your presence I panicked... then I realized I had made the wrong choice' I felt tears build up in my eyes once more, guilt washing over me like a tsunami wave.

He clearly felt my saddened aura, and instantly crouched down to my level and brought me into a tight embrace.

'I was blinded by my anger, and paid the consequences... now I only ask you this...' He pulled away, gripping my shoulders as his 'expression' saddened.

'Can you forgive me..?'


I smiled softly, nodding, "Yes... of course I forgive you..."

His 'face' lightened, and he quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a loving embrace...

I sniffled, but then... my eyes shot wide and I swiftly pulled back in panic.


The seven of us came to an abrupt stop as we saw the CPs. Some were on the ground, scratches and burns on their skin, while others were hiding in the forest beside us.

My head snapped to the left as there was an explosion, eyes narrowing as Red Steve emerged from the smoke.

'Fuck... I don't have any Redstone on me'

I looked over towards BEN and Jeff, who were staring over at us with, dare I say, troubled expressions. They were asking for help... which was surprising coming from Jeff, who's ego was larger then the Slender Mansion.

My gaze shifted to the males behind me and spoke with a monotone voice, "I'll take on the hot-head, you get the others out of here"

Black Hat instantly spoke up, "No, I'm not letting you go out there and get yourself hurt"

"Do YOU know how to handle an unstable Red Steve? Hmmm?~" I spoke sassily, crossing my arms with my head tilted and eyebrow arched.

He raised his finger, and his mouth opened as if he were about to speak... but then he stopped, closed his mouth and lowered his hand in defeat.

I smirked, pecking his cheek before teleporting behind Red Steve, who had noticed father and the others as they went to get the CPs.

As soon as he flew into the air, I ran and jumped up, grabbing him by the legs and pulling him back to the ground.

He looked down at me with fury, while I simply grinned, "Sorry, but I'd prefer if you DIDN'T kill my family~"

Growling, he tried kicked me off of him, but as I said... TRIED.

I just teleported further to the east, basically to the point that we were almost at the corner of the world.

Now, unfortunately, this didn't go unnoticed.

As I threw Red Steve into the flower meadow, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that I almost couldn't comprehend.

'Rainbow Steve..? He's... real?'

I'd seen YouTubers bring him into their Steve Saga series, only for them to gain a voice... which had made me realize that it was false...

But there he was... in the multi-colored flesh.

We locked eyes, and for a moment I forgot about the angry Steve flying in my direction at a high speed.

"Your... real..?" I whispered, mostly directing it to myself...

I yelped as Rainbow Steve teleported in front of me, pushing me off the tree I was standing on.

The action was so quick, I didn't have time to teleport, or catch myself with my tendrils.

So... bracing myself for impact, I shut my eyes tightly, and awaited for the pain of the ground colliding with my back.

But, instead of feeling the solid, forest floor, I felt... arms... wrap themselves around my lower-back and under my thighs.

Hesitantly, I fluttered one of my eyes open, only for both of them to widen.

Rainbow Steve was there, only inches away from my face, sitting in a crouched position... with a close eyed smile.

"Sorry, miss, but when I saw Red about to hit you I-" His eyes opened, the soft blue orbs boring into my own.

"Nono!! It's fine, really!! I wasn't paying attention anyway, and if not for you... I would probably be SERIOUSLY messed up..! So, thanks I guess" I nervously laughed, glancing around me for any signs of any other Steves.

"Your welcome!! By the way, my name is Rainbow Steve!! What's yours miss?" He chirped, tilting his head as I stared at him with my brow arched.

'Wow, he really DOES act like the actor in Sabre's Steve Saga... well... this is going to be annoying'

I smiled slightly, "(Y/n)... um... can you please put me down..?"

His eyes widened and his smile dropped, along with me!

He shrieked as I hit the ground with a soft 'oof', "AH!! SORRY!!!"

I grunted, waving him off with a chuckle, "It's fine, kid, just help me up please"

'...I just sounded like an old man...'

He nodded violently and swiftly kneeled down.

Actually, he knelt down JUST AS I WAS SITTING UP.

We butted heads, then recoiled in pain. He quickly apologized once more as we rubbed our heads.


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