Chapter 44

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"I doubt anyone would be out at midnight, mi amor, and even if they DO see us... let them... let them know that we are together..." A soft melody played through the air quietly, and I swiftly took action as Black Hat began to move his legs.

I followed his lead, resting my head on his shoulder as we waltzed under the dim moon's rays.

It felt like a fairytale

"I love you, Black Hat" I whispered, leaning back so he could actually hear me.

He smiled softly, our dancing ceasing so he could wrap his arms around me tightly.

"I love you too, (Y/n)"


"-Don't worry ma'am! I always have a plan for heroes like that!! I wont fail you, my lord, Black Hat, sir!!" Flug saluted the demon.

"I hope so doctor, for your own-" Black Hat narrowed his eyes with a grin, teleporting behind the male with a malicious grin, "-SaKe~"

Flug yelped, gulping, "Y-Yes s-s-sir"

I came to Black Hat's side and locked my arm with his, staring at the female as she smiled.

"Black Hat, I didn't know you found a companion..." She looked over at me, then held out her hand.

"I'm Penumbra" I returned her smile, and reached out, shaking her gloved hand.

"(Y/N), I'm Black Hat's wife"

"Wife? Really? Wow! How long have you two been-"

"(Y/n)" I looked over as Black Hat spoke up, grinning.

"Yes, Black Hat" I released the female's hand, and set my own on the arm I held.

He looked towards the glass window, grinning, "I remember out telling me the other night that you wished to JOIN Flug and the others as they hunted down the hero-"

"SHIT!! It slipped from my mind!!" I screeched, instantly letting go of Black Hat's arm and running towards the door.

"Wait!! I forgot!!!" I darted back, jumping up to peck Black Hat on the cheek.

"I'll be back in a bit!!" I called before running out of the office, only to crash into Flug.

We both yelped, and just as we were about to start tumbling down the steps, I grabbed him with my tendrils and teleported us to the bottom of the staircase.

"Sorry Flug, I wasn't paying attention"

"It's fine" He mumbled, "You just startled me is all"

We fixed our posture, then made our way to the lab, "May I ask, what are you doing today?"

I looked at Flug and smiled, "Oh, I'm going with you and the others, of course"

His eyes widened slightly, then relaxed as he looked forwards once more, "Why do you want to go?"

"Why does anyone do anything? Sheer BOREDOM!!!" I yelled, then laughed.

"And maybe-" I draped my arm over the male's shoulders, smiling slightly, "-just to relive that day..! If it weren't for you, I probably would have never been able to actually TALK to Black Hat..."

He looked over at me as I stopped us, arching his brow as I looked at the ground.

"And I thank you for that..." I whispered, then wrapped my arms around him tightly.

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now