The First Night

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My parents were stormtroopers. They were members of the 501st, "Vader's Fist". They were some of the first non-clones to be allowed the privilege of working alongside the Emperor's closest ally. They had always dreamed of a son who would carry on their legacy, a son who would bring honor to the family and the Empire. I've failed though. I fear these Rebels have destroyed the galaxy's last hope for peace. Without the Empire, chaos and lawlessness will rule above all else.
I have not heard from anyone in hours, far beyond what regulation allows for Royal Guards to not give mandatory updates. 
I made myself a small camp near the wreckage of my TIE as the sun fell behind the trees. The sound of the stolen AT-AT became more distant as the night crept in, but never left earshot. I removed the artifact the Emperor had tasked me with retrieving from my belt, examining it closely. It was a red kyber crystal dangling by a long string, almost pulsing with light as what I could only imagine was the Force ebbing and flowing through it. The Emperor rarely spoke openly about the Force, but when he did, he never failed to remind us of the sheer power he wielded from his finger tips. I tied the crystal around my neck and kept it close to me. If the Emperor had managed to escape, I would assure him that my mission was not a failure. I removed my helmet and used my cloak for warmth as laid under a tree, examining the night sky. It had been a long time since I'd taken a moment to breathe and take in every star in the galaxy staring back at me. My philosophical pondering was cut short by the sound of rustling in the trees. I grabbed my force pike and stood ready to face whatever came next. The only visible light flickered from my small campfire, nothing else could be seen around me except for trees and bushes. I examined my surroundings closely before I stopped suddenly. A bone chilling shiver ran down my spine as my eyes met another set of glowing eyes low in the bushes, their retinas reflecting the light of the fire. We held each other's gaze for a moment, it hesitated, I did not. Pulling the trigger on my side arm, the small corpse of a primitive life form rolled out of the bushes and towards my feet with a still smoldering blaster burn through its chest. It was an Ewok, which meant there were more nearby. The small creatures traveled close together and lived in the trees. Staying in the forest would not be an option for sleep, I needed to move closer towards the Rebels to ensure my survival. I placed my helmet back on my head, donned my robe, and began to move out.
I had only been to Endor once before, when the Emperor had asked me to be a member of Vader's escort. We cleared the forest of Ewoks for the ground troops to begin construction of the shield generator. Our protocol droid translated their dying words as we cleared a warpath through the untamed forest. As they lay dying, their final words were primitive curses upon our souls. They referred to Vader as "Demon Lord" and us as his "Demon Servants." The names never bothered me, what always bothered me was seeing those glowing eyes, dozens at a time, glaring at us through the trees at night. If they had wanted to, they could overwhelm an entire battalion, but they knew they couldn't overpower us.
I did my best to remember the area around me. There was a base I could use as a temporary center of operations at the base of a large river, along a lake. The Rebels may not have found it yet. I considered the possibility of sending a message out to the Empire, finding out what really happened. It was a comforting thought, but I had to let it pass. My life was not one of comfort and I could not allow it to be. As I followed the distant sound of a stream, I felt eyes on me once again, the fearful glares of a primitive species too afraid to lash out at me. The mud caked itself onto my boots more and more as I marched on, turning the bright red to a dark brown. Finally, the river came into view. I kneeled beside it and filled my canteen, hoping to boil it later. I continued further south, seeing scattered footsteps gathering more and more in the mud. They led me to a bunker which was a mall but not insignificant. The doors were sealed, with the control panel on the outside destroyed so that it could only open from the inside. Unsure of how else to enter, if whoever was insider was friend or foe, or if there were even life forms inside at all, I put aside all of my espionage training, knocked on the metal doors, and waited.

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