I cant do it

580 14 4

"NO, NO, LEAVE ME ALONE, STOP, STOP. Please." I drop to the floor and start clawing at my head, as an attempt to escape my own mind.

Angelina's POV
I heard "NO, NO, Leave me alone, STOP, STOP," coming from Elle's room.

I ran to Elle's room and saw her sitting on the floor sobbing. I saw a blade sitting next to her on the floor. I grabbed the blade and put it in my back pocket, to dispose of it later. I walked over to Elle and grabbed her hands to restrain her. I wrapped her into a hug and pulled her onto my lap.

"Honey, just listen to my voice."


"We'll get through this."

"I can't control it. It's like I'm being ripped apart."

"Elle, I have been right where you are, and I know that it seems impossible right now, but you will overcome this."


"Believe me."


"Just focus. Breathe. Stay calm."

"It's too late!"

"Try not to lose control, okay?"

Elle's body suddenly lost control and she started to sob. She stood up and grabbed her lamp, throwing it to the ground. She grabbed anything in sight and threw it in anger. Screams erupted from her mouth. She grabbed at her hair, pulling it and then clawing at her face. Hot, angry tears fell from her eyes, making her claw at them, hating that she was crying. She punched the walls without a care that her knuckles were bleeding. She kept destroying things and clawing at her skin. I finally managed to get her in her bed. She laid down beside me and put her hand in mine.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked Elle, clearly concerned with her erratic behavior. She just shook her head in response. I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Elle, that sure as hell didn't look like nothing. I'm gonna ask you once again. What the hell just happened?"Elle didn't answer and started to cry on my chest.

"Shh shh shh, I've got you. It's ok. Talk to me, please please let me in."

"It's th-the voices. They won't stop Angelina, make them stop" she sobbed. Her breathing increased and I could tell she was starting to hyperventilate.

"Baby girl I need you to breathe, in and out, in and out" I say putting her hand on my chest. "Just like that." Her breathing slowly returns to normal.

"I'm gonna go to my bed okay baby?"

Elle  just nodded and closed her eyes.

I have no idea where this story is going but let's just roll with it
Love, sockiana 💞

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