Chapter 2

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"Where does he live"? I looked again. "In Seoul. Near us".


Jeon Jungkook POV
I woke up, out of energy already and with a really sore back. I groaned as I got up and looked at the time. "5:30am. Still have plenty of time", I told myself as I made my way downstairs to make some breakfast.

As I was eating, the doorbell rang. "Coming"? I called out, my voice nearly sounding croaky. I got up and headed to the door. I opened it and noticed no one was there. I looked around and shrugged, but trotted on something.

I looked down and saw another envelope. "Possibly the authority again", I said, picking it up and walking inside,along sure to shut the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen and opened the envelope. It read:

To Jeon Jungkook,

There are a very small amount of people that know about you and who you truly are. The authority will kill you if they found out about your powers. To stay safe, come to *********** sometime today and meet me in person. I can procect you, but in order to do that, you will need to trust me. I will also need help to find the rest of the ability holders. Please consider.

Yours sincerely, Kim Namjoon.

"This is ridiculous", I mumbled, placing the letter down and going back to rating my breakfast. If this Namjoon guys can protect me and is helping alility holders, I want to meet him.

I finished my breakfast, rushed upstairs to get ready and grabbed my things before heading out the door, with the letter in my hand. I looked at the address and noticed it was far from me so I walked.

I only took an hour to get to the house. It was pretty big and looked nice. I made my way up to the door before knocking and waiting for an answer.

I young boy with light brown hair appeared at the door. "May I help you, young man"? He asked. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I got a letter from Kim Namjoon who said to come to this address", I saod, showing him the letter.

He looked at it, nodded and opened the door wider for me to enter. "Welcome. I'm Kim Seokjin btw. I'll just go get Namjoon", Seokjin spoke, before dissapering up the stair, leaving me alone at the door.

A few minutes later, Seokjin returned with a male with chocolate brown hair. "Hello, Jungkook
I'm Kim Namjoon. If you would kindly follow me", he said. I walked up the stair after Namjoon and followed gim into an office, Seokjin on my heels.

"How do you know about my powers"? I sakes abruptly. He smiled then turned to a piece of paper that was on his desk. Then, it started floating. I was a bit taken back there being other ability holders in Seoul.

"Does that answer your question"? I nodded. I looked around the room. There wasn't really much in it. There was a desk, a bookshelf filled with books, a cabnit and a laptop on the desk.

"Has the authority tried to get to you"? Namjoon asked. "They don't know about my powers. They've only asked me to hell in their search for elementals and to help destroy them", I answered, getting a worried look from Seokjin.

"What"? I asked. Namjoon looked at Seokjin then at me. "In their hunt, everyone, including the authority and the people helping them get tested as well".

"Oh", was all I could say to them. So I now know my answer to them. I looked down and heard Seokjin's thoughts. "Would Jungkook still join them after Namjoon telling him that"?


Seokjin"? I asked, getting his attention. "Yeah"? "Could you please keep your thoughts to yourself? I can hear them and it is giving me a headache", I told him, getting an apologetic smile from him. "Sorry".

"So what do you want to do? Stay with us and go against the authority, or, go to the authority and become our energy"? Namjoon asked.

I didn't have to think twice about my answer before saying, "I'm going against the authority".


Yay! Our Jungkookie is staying with Namjoom to help him protect the rest of the elementals.

Let's see what happens in the next chapter.

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