Chapter 8: Talon's Choice

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"He's coming to, thank heavens." A voice said.

"Good thing I found him not fat from where his last transmission ended." Another voice said.

Bruce groaned as he started to regain consciousness.

Blinking a couple of times, the first thing he saw was Dick and Alfred.

"How long have I been..." Dick cuts him off and said, "Seven hours."

He tries to get up but was in a strait jacket. "Damian. If those animals get their hands on him..."

"I've been out there Bruce. There's no sign of him." Dick proclaimed.

"I'll help you." Bruce stated.

"You're no help to anyone in your current state, sir. You need rest."

"No!" Bruce tried to get up but both Alfred and Dick held him down.

"You don't understand I have to find him. He's my son." Bruce proclaimed.

Unfortunately, they were so busy about the hallucinating Dark Knight that no one noticed that a certain red hooded huntress has been missing from the entire manor for a while.

With Ruby...
Ruby grunts as she follows the signal on Damian's tracker.

After Dick had returned with a hallucinating Batman. She was scared about what they might do to Damian and so she decided to search for him.

But as she followed the signal, she realized that she was heading down the same path that Batman went down.

Luckily, because of her immunity to most poisons she was safe from the same toxin that they gave the Dark Knight.

She groans at the smell of the sewer and pinches her nose. "Ugh, this is disgusting. Somebody is going to pay for this." She muttered as she goes down the same path Batman did.

Once she came across the wall, she touches a brick and the door opens.

But when a did a Talon was waiting for her.

She gasped and took a step back.

"Uh oh." she muttered nervously.

With Robin...
Robin looks up at the Grandmaster as he stands with Talon.

"Talon. Introduced your protégé."

Talon walks a few steps forward "It is an honor to present this boy to the Court." He looks at Robin "I've seen firsthand that he has greatness within him and a grand destiny ahead." Talon proclaimed.

"Perhaps that Is so. But we must be certain of his loyalty." The Grandmaster proclaimed.

"You have my word." Robin said and bowed.

"We are the Court of Owls and we require more than words." The Grandmaster proclaimed.

"Your mask."

Robin lightly flinched at that and contemplated if he should take off his mask.

Talon looks at him "Robin."

"So much for your loyalty. Toss the brat back in the gutter where you found him." Grandmaster ordered.

"Wait!" Talon said and walks over to the Boy Wonder.

"Robin, we discussed this." He said.

Robin sighs and takes off his mask and the Grandmaster looked at him in shock.

"The boy. Bruce Wayne's Ward." He said.

Damian looks at him in shock "How did you-"

"That means Wayne is- Batman." Samantha said in realization.

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