~Chapter 16~

450 26 110

August 08, 20XX
8:08 PM, OKST
~2 Years Ago~

[Online: Aphmau; Travis; Aaron; Vylad; Nicole; Lucinda; Dante; Gene]

Aphmau: You take that back, Aaron!

Aaron: But, it's true. The second season is much more story-oriented than the first season. The first season didn't have much to offer story-wise until the very ending where we were given proper exposition.

Vylad: The first season set up the story, though. And it's definitely better than the second.

Aphmau: Exactly! Thank you Vylad!

Aaron: And where's your evidence?

Vylad: The introduction to the characters was top-notch writing. While we weren't properly given backstory on how they bonded, we were left with enough information to know how close they were, which allowed for us to be heartbroken as characters left us throughout the series. While the second season isn't really giving us that sort of emotional attachment and then saddening us by taking away those characters we've grown so fond of.

Aaron: You're right, but also wrong. Season two is giving us more character development and backstory, so that when we re-watch season one, we are able to see the motivation and devastation behind each character.

Lucinda: Oh my Irene, are you three still fighting over this topic?

Gene: Isn't it past your bedtime, little boy? What are you still doing up, Vylad? You're usually logged off by this time of night.

Lucinda: Actually, none of us are really on here this late. I didn't even notice how late it was.

Travis: I don't mind.

Nicole: I think Aphmau, Aaron and Vylad got so caught up in their argument over which season was better (I personally agree that season 2 had better story-telling and writing all around) that we all got distracted on how late it was.

Vylad: Wow. 8 already for me. Gene's right, I never stay up this late.

Gene: Ha! Figured. You're just a little kid after all.

Vylad: A little kid with a higher IQ and GPA than you could ever hope to accomplish in your life; since all you have to offer the world is petty insults and dark eyeliner.

Gene: Ouch.

Travis: Oooo! Pipsqueak is savage when his brothers aren't on!

Vylad: I'm savage when my brothers are on. I'm just not very much paid attention to, because I have little to add to the conversation.

Dante: Vylad, I like you so much. You're now my favourite.

Vylad: Oh...

Vylad: Thank you 😊

Gene: OMI, get a room!

Lucinda: Shut up, Gene.

Aphmau: Anyway, Aaron, no matter what you say, Vylad and I won the argument.

Aaron: You were only able to offer a couple solid arguments that weren't entirely biased, while I was able to offer eight.

Travis: Someone's cocky.

Nicole: He did have good points, though.

Aaron: Thank you, Nicole.

Aphmau: Whatever! I still say that Vylad and I won. And, this is my group chat, so what I say goes! There!

Aaron: Fine, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Aphmau: My unicorn onesie, and stuffed corgi plush do!

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