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Louis was in the locker room talking to the rest of his team mates. He was the captain of the football team and what his team  tell him he's pretty good at being captain. The coach comes into the locker room and telling them the plans for this week. He heard a bunch of times already that they had a game on Tuesday and another on Friday but a singer is coming by. He didn't know who the singer was but he hoped the singer is good,he leaves the locker room and starts to kick the ball around. He was by himself till his best friend zayn came. "Hey Lou whyd you leave?" He asked him Louis looks at him "I heard about the plans before so I know what's going on already." Zayn looked at him and asked"are you ok? You seem upset" Louis looked at Zayn "yea I'm fine just tired and ready to go home" Zayn looked at Louis to make sure he wasn't lying. "So what do you think of the singer who's coming?" Zayn asked "to be honest don't even know who's coming wasn't listening" Zayn looked at Louis shocked "dude its Harry styles he's smoking hot." Louis looked at Zayn weird "ok and???? He's probably straight." Zayn started to shake his head "no he said he doesn't want to lable himself but he's been with both guys and girls in relationships and he said he wants someone who doesn't use his fàme. He wants someone to love him for who he is." Louis looks shocked at that he thought all singers are full of themselves. Louis wants to believe Zayn he really does but his heart has been broken to many times in the past. "You also know Lou we are meeting him tomorrow before the show" Louis looks down and nodes his head "yea , sorry to cut this short but I'm tired and hungry. Talk to you later ?" Louis asked Zayn when Zayn nodded his head and gave Louis a bro hug Louis left and went to a Chinese place and went in to eat when he walked in he bumb into someone he looked up and seen a really hot dude with amazing green eyes "i-im sorry for bumping into you" Louis said the mystery man looked at Louis "it's fine cutie it was my fault for not looking." Louis blushed and looked down "if you look down I can't see your beautiful face and those gorgeous blue eyes"Louis  blushes even more he looks up and smiles"I'm Louis" Louis interduces himself "I'm Harry" Harry tells louis and smiles "can you please move?" Some random man asks louis and Harry they both move and Harry says sorry Harry looks back at Louis"I would love to count talking to you but I have to go somewhere early tomorrow and I need sleep but can I get your number?" Harry smiles at Louis "yes"Louis gives Harry his number "I hope you have a good night Louis hope to see you again" and Harry leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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