Did Space, Time & Matter Have A Beginning?

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The universe is not eternal as it was once believed. The universe had a beginning. Since the universe is composed of space, time and matter, it is reasonable to believe that space, time and matter did not exist before the origin of the universe.

So what caused space, time and matter?

Secular scientists seem to be ignorant.

An article in www.forbes.com entitled Did Time Have A Beginning? professes ignorance about the origin of time despite a lengthy thematic pontification:1 (Emphasis Mine)

Even though we can trace our cosmic history all the way back to the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang, that isn't enough to answer the question of how (or if) time began. Going even earlier, to the end-stages of cosmic inflation, we can learn how the Big Bang was set up and began, but we have no observable information about what occurred prior to that. The final fraction-of-a-second of inflation is where our knowledge ends.

Thousands of years after we laid out the three major possibilities for how time began — as having always existed, as having begun a finite duration ago in the past, or as being a cyclical entity — we are no closer to a definitive answer. Whether time is finite, infinite, or cyclical is not a question that we have enough information within our observable Universe to answer. Unless we figure out a new way to gain information about this deep, existential question, the answer may forever be beyond the limits of what is knowable.

Why is a portion of the scientific world clueless? This is the problem.

These scientists do not want to presuppose the existence of an uncaused first cause, namely God. "Many scientists today conduct their research based on their presupposition or belief that nothing exists beyond the natural world—that which can be seen around us—and thus they do not accept that any ultimate Cause exists...," says an article on the website of the Institute For Creation Research.2

If they presuppose the existence of the uncaused first cause, then sheer logical implications would render God's existence:3

Applying the principles of cause and effect, it is clear that scientific logic indicates that the Cause for the universe in which we live must trace back to an infinite First Cause of all things. Random motion or primeval particles cannot produce intelligent thought, nor can inert molecules generate spiritual worship.

· The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite.

· The First Cause of endless time must be eternal.

· The First Cause of boundless energy must be omnipotent.

· The First Cause of universal interrelationships must be omnipresent.

· The First Cause of infinite complexity must be omniscient.

· The First Cause of spiritual values must be spiritual.

· The First Cause of human responsibility must be volitional.

· The First Cause of human integrity must be truthful.

· The First Cause of human love must be loving.

· The First Cause of life must be living.

We would conclude from the law of cause-and-effect that the First Cause of all things must be an infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, spiritual, volitional, truthful, loving, living Being!

But set aside the futility of the secular scientists.

Our space-time-material universe had a beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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