After Homosexuality, Christian Chu...by Rajkumar Richard
Polyamory or romantic/sexual relationships with multiple individuals with the consent of the spouse is rampantly invading the Christian community. How should we respond...

I Don't Speak In Tongues, Am I A C...by Rajkumar Richard
Some Christian denominations mandate that genuine Christians ought to speak in tongues. They provide proof for this from the Bible. So what about those Christians who do...

The Lord's Supper - What Is The Pr...by Rajkumar Richard
What should we wear while participating in the Lord's Supper? Should we wear shoes or not? Some Christians debate on these matters. But what is the most important prereq...

When God Seems So Far Away; How Do...by Rajkumar Richard
'Hiddenness of God' is an ancient and a complex theme. It is portrayed in subjective and objective questions such as, 'Where is God when we need HIM the most?' and 'Wher...

Is The Music Ministry Destroying O...by Rajkumar Richard
The music ministry in a church is considered so essential that the church leadership invests all its efforts into this ministry, thereby ignoring the other equally perti...

If We Have Free Will In Heaven, Ho...by Rajkumar Richard
Can people in heaven sin?
This article explains the relevant attributes of heaven: a place of moral perfection, a place for perfect knowledge, and a place of the Beatifi...

Salvation Of Jews; Is There An Abe...by Rajkumar Richard
The salvation of Jews appears to be complex. God clearly revealed the divinity of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. So the Jews who lived in the Old Testa...

Do We Have Free Will? Is Free Will...by Rajkumar Richard
Atheists deny the existence of free will. Does free will exist? How can we be sure that free will exists? Read more...

Single & Can't Mingle (Can A Chris...by Rajkumar Richard
Quite a few Christians are single and they suffer while being single. What does the Bible say about being single? Can a Christian remain single? How to live as a single...

Are The Truth Claims Of Ex-Christi...by Rajkumar Richard
Sis. Esther's allegations have all been asked and answered. One wonders why she continues to make archaic allegations against Christianity.
Among her many allegations ag...

Would Heaven Offset The Horrible P...by Rajkumar Richard
Quite a few people undergo an extreme form of suffering. This need not be their doing.
Imagine a child born to a mother, who's a drug addict. Born out of wedlock, this...

Why Is God Not Evil Despite Design...by Rajkumar Richard
If God designed the Coronavirus, then HE should be evil. But why is God not evil despite the unprecedented harm caused by Coronavirus?
Also, an interesting fact during J...

When Hope Hurtsby Rajkumar Richard
When you have been suffering for years together, there are periods of time when you would not want to hope. These are moments when hope hurts.
I pray this article would...

Signs And Wonders: Laminin, The Cr...by Rajkumar Richard
Laminin, the cross-shaped protein, vital to our existence, was touted as God molecule. Is it so? Read more...

Can People In Heaven See Us?by Rajkumar Richard
'Can People In Heaven See Us?' is a complicated question. There are two possible answers to this question: (1) People in heaven can see the occurrences on earth. (2) Peo...

Defending Good Friday; The Necessi...by Rajkumar Richard
How to defeat allegations that Christ's sacrifice was unnecessary? Did Christ have to die on the cross? Groups such as the Unitarians argue against the atoning sacrifice...

Dirty Worship Team (The Existentia...by Rajkumar Richard
Certain worship leaders and worship teams betray the calling and the cause of Christ. Drunkenness, F-bombing vocabulary and other sins impede their calling and value in...

Neuroscience & The Soul: Does Neur...by Rajkumar Richard
This article highlights two points: (1) Science does not have any authority to make a decision about the existence of the soul. (2) Evidence from neuroscience points to...

Why God Did Not Create A World Wit...by Rajkumar Richard
'Why did God create a world with Coronavirus?' is a legitimate question of a suffering person. Could God not have created a world without natural disasters, such as Coro...

Consent Condoms & Consensual Sexby Rajkumar Richard
An Argentinian sex toy company will soon begin marketing 'consent condoms.' Four hands are required to open this condom pack signifying the consent of both parties to ha...