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【A/N: Hello! I have been wanting to write a Yandere sim fan fiction for a while, though I never knew who I would write about. And since I developed a massive crush on Shiromi, I decided to write a fanfic about her! This will eventually become a lemon—.】


It was just an average day, nothing really special about it. Though, the disappearance of a few students was still a bit overwhelming, you were thankful that you weren't one of them.

And there you were, talking to your group of friends. Making inappropriate jokes, gossiping about the newest rumours, etc. You noticed the same raven haired girl stare at another male student, but it wasn't your business so you just decided to keep shut. You weren't even focusing on the conversation that your friends were having, it didn't seem interesting to you at all. You were thinking about something completely different, **were you going to join the student council?** That's right, you had recently applied and took an interview to become the newest member. It wasn't even that big of a role though. Just organising some papers and all that stuff.

The irritating sound of the bell had snapped you out of your daydreaming, well fuck, time for those stupid classes again. Although something completely different had happened. **You were called into the student council room!** Your teacher dismissed you, as you made your way to the club room, you didn't see any of the members roam around the hallways, patrolling everyone that came across. And before you knew it, you were standing right outside of the rather infamous room. Taking a deep breath in, you slowly exhaled as you politely knocked on the door, hearing a feminine voice answer with a "Come in!" You instantly assumed that it was Akane Toriyasu, the most gracious and elegant girl at school. Lightly opening the door, you peeked through the hole, there, you saw that all of the members already had settled down on their seats, your eyes immediately landed on the silver haired female, her doll like eyes met yours as you examined her further. A smile creeping its way into her lips. You immediately flushed at the smile, yeah··· You had a massive crush on her. Every time you stumbled upon her, she always sent a friendly wave towards you, it always caught you off guard, even though it happened many times.

You were interrupted again by the presidents voice, turning your attention to her.

" I am truly glad you have decided to come here as instructed, Y/N. Good news, you are from now on, the newest student council member, thanks to all of your effort. "

She proudly said as a polite smile played on the corner of her lips, she indeed was very charming. You were given a snow white uniform and pepper spray just like the others, for the other students to recognise your role. As you thanked them all, you had received their numbers on a neatly folded piece of paper, just in case. You read through the note that each of them had written on the paper.

*XXX-XXX-XXX, I hope you'll enjoy your time with us! -Akane Toriyasu*

*XXX-XXX-XXX, Please behave well. If something ever happens, please do not hesitate to inform any of us. -Kuroko Kamenaga*

*XXX-XXX-XXX -Aoi Ryugoku*

*XXX-XXX-XXX, I'm sure you will do well Y/N. -Megami Saikou*

*XXX-XXX-XXX, Call me anytime ;) -Shiromi Torayoshi*

Pfft—, you couldn't help but chuckle at Torayoshi-sans note. This was gonna be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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