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During the U.S.J. attack Kirishima lost track of his new friend Denki and ended up getting stuck with the bombshell of a blonde Bakugo Katsuki. He couldn't help but ogle at him a little as he fought against the smaller villains set on putting them down. Bakugo's fighting style was insane and once Kirishima realized who he was it made a lot more sense. They stuck together and found All Might fighting what seemed like the leader and his minions. Bakugo figured out the black portal villain that had given them trouble and he was once again dumbfounded at how smart the dude was. After it was all said and done Kirishima tried to catch up with Bakugo to talk to him about the fight, but he couldn't find him anywhere. He felt disappointed as he sulked his way into the locker room to change back into his school clothes.

After the sports festival Kirishima went home with a song on his mind; he walked up the front steps, humming along to Anxiety by Blackbear. Usually his soulmate listened to older rock music, but he assumed that they were feeling kinda lonely that day. He thought about the sports festival and how he had finally gotten to fight Bakugo Katsuki. He seemed like a very extreme person, almost unapproachable, but Kirishima believed he was up for the challenge of becoming his friend; He was too interesting not to want to become his friend. The way Bakugo reacted to his partnership proposal settled in his brain a weird way. Had he found Kirishima a worthy teammate? He'd hoped so since he did his damnedest to get as many points as possible. Kirishima's head went silent and he assumed his soulmate had gotten fed up with their music choices. He took the silence to think about his and Bakugo's fight; he had been so close to winning. Of course by how much he'd figured out from Bakugo's personality the guy would've done anything to win. He was a character...

Bakugo on the other hand was confused. He hadn't expected the Kirishima guy to be so strong, he nearly lost to him in the one on one battle. Of course Bakugo was still steaming mad about how he won that day. Todoroki's dumbass was sorely mistaken if he was going to let him get away with that. He felt his anxiety increase and turned up the music so he could distract himself again. He needed to calm down or else he'd have another panic attack; he decided the song wasn't helping so he scrolled through his phone for a better one. Sadly, he got frustrated and stopped the music, throwing it to the bed in anger. He huffed and stood up, walking to the bathroom to take a shower, maybe that would get his mind off it. He hesitated a step went the song Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd started running through his mind. He made it to the bathroom and shut the door, pressing his back to the door as he let out a soft sob. His soulmate was trying to make him feel better by playing him a song he found calming. He had forgotten that song even existed so hearing it play in the back of his head gave him a small wave of calm. His tense shoulders drooped as he pushed himself from the door so he could shower away the anxiety.

Kirishima typically helped out his soulmate through music because he could always tell when they weren't doing too great. He knew their favorite songs so he always played something they enjoyed if they weren't listening to anything. After a few songs he turned off his phone and waited to see if they would respond with something. Sure enough about five minutes later he heard I Love You by Billie Eilish. He blushed softly as he hummed the lyrics, taking every word in. He didn't know who his soulmate was but boy did he already love them, no matter who they were.

Kirishima slowly made friends with a lot of the kids in his class, including the one and only Bakugo. He prided himself in that fact because no one else seemed to be able to get close to him. They were almost like a team so when he got kidnapped by the league Kirishima was determined to get him back home.

"Are you sure about this?" Iida asked, disappointment evident in face.

Kirishima gave him a firm nod and balled his hands into fists, "We have to. I'm not going to wait for anyone else to find him."

Bakugo was terrified as he sat in the chair, cuffs tight around his hands so he couldn't use his quirk. He wished so desperately that his soulmate would listen to music so he could feel at least some semblance of safety, but sadly the music never came. He just had to tell himself that All Might would come for him eventually. The league tried its hardest to get him on their side, but he would've rather drank bleach than join their stupid club. He waited and waited until All Might busted through the front doors.

Kirishima wanted to chew nails as he anticipated the rescue. They told Kirishima it had to be him that called for him. He was the only one that had become his equal since starting U.A. He took deep breaths as they readied themselves for take off; hearing the fighting going on from the other side of the wall gave him nausea. Would it work? There was a 60/40 chance it could go wrong. He just had to call for him.

Katsuki was dumbfounded seeing a blob of people shoot into the sky, but seeing that it was his classmates he felt annoyed. What were those dumbasses doing? He squinted and saw Kirishima hold his hand out to him, he yelled something, but Bakugo couldn't hear. It didn't make a difference to him though, he had learned to trust Kirishima. He didn't think twice about using his quirk to blast his way up to Kirishima to grab his hand. It tugged at his heart strings how Kirishima looked with his hair down and his facial expression of, 'Holy shit I'm so glad that worked'. His best friend gripped his hand like there was no tomorrow as they soared and it made Bakugo wonder if Kirishima was his soulmate.

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