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That's when the hunt began. Kirishima was determined to find out what Bakugo listened to on a regular basis. Casually asking him about his favorite song was going to be a lot easier said than done. Thankfully he knew exactly who to talk to about it.

"You want me to ask Bakugo what his favorite song is?" Jiro asked as they stirred their coffee and leaned against the dorm's kitchen counter.

Kirishima looked around to make sure no one was listening, "Yes."

"You think he's your soulmate don't you?" They giggled, sipping their coffee as Kirishima turned red.

"Essentially yes," He scratched the back of his neck, "I have my suspicions, but I'm afraid if I ask him out right and I'm wrong that it'll make things awkward."

Jiro nodded, "I understand. It's harder for some people to really know," they set their cup down and smiled, "Luckily Momo listens to classical music and I can read her like a book. Bakugo on the other hand is the textbook definition of wild card."

Kirishima tried not to roll his eyes because Jiro and Momo were the worst couple there about showing off, "Yeah, and you are the only other person I think he even remotely talks to besides Midoriya so."

"I understand. I'll talk to him." They smiled and patted his shoulder, "I have an idea."

In the mean time Kirishima started listening to a lot more gay representing music. He wanted to make it clear to whoever was on the other end that he was interested in men too. He did consider himself pansexual, but wasn't sure his soulmate knew that. So later that night he listened to GUY.EXE by Superfruit because finding 100% gay representing music in his usual genre was hard.

Bakugo was going insane from the music. It wasn't his soulmates usual music and it was annoying as hell. If his soulmate was trying to get the point across that they're gay then it was working. He would hope they were anyway because boy he was a hundred percent homosexual. He'd never been attracted to females a day in his life; androgynous people maybe. Women? No. He groaned as another pop-y gay song played and he'd had enough. He fought fire with fire and put headphones in, playing Paralyzer by Finger Eleven.

Kirishima pauses his music because his brain jumbled from the sudden second song. He paused and listened, realizing he had probably annoyed the shit out of his soulmate.

Bakugo smiled and listened to his music for once.

The next day Jiro seemed to have put up flyers all around the common room with the help of Momo.

'Karaoke night Saturday! Aizawa approved!'

Kirishima snorted as he stood, staring at the poster hanging from the fridge magnet. He didn't realize Bakugo had shuffled in behind him, "What's that about?" He grumbled, walking over to the coffee maker.

Kirishima jumped a little and turned to him, "Oh, I think Jiro decided that the class needed to bond some more. They did mention yesterday that they wanted to have a party." That was his excuse. What a dumbass.

Bakugo blinked and looked at the paper again, "I'm surprised Aizawa allowed that."

"Well," Kirishima shrugged and opened the fridge for orange juice, "can't complain. It seems like a good time."

"Eh," Bakugo grabbed a mug from the cabinet, "we'll see."

Kirishima went to see Jiro later that day, "Are you sure he'll be ok with singing in front of people? I don't think he's the type to sing in public."

Kirishima took a seat on their bed with a sigh. Jiro hummed and tapped their finger against their desk, "Why don't you sing your favorite song?" They inquired before turning towards their CD collection.

"My favorite song?" He repeated with his head cocked to the side.

"Yea, like your favorite song to listen to or something," they shuffled through their selection as they thought, "Maybe pick a song and listen to it a lot until the party then sing it there." They turned back holding up a favorite CD of theirs.

He looked at the CD then back at them; they were a genius, "You're amazing. I have the perfect song!"

Later that night he practiced Kiwi by Harry Styles. Thankfully the song was more his style and it reminded him of Bakugo. He hummed along, trying to memorize the lyrics by writing them down. He tended to learn songs faster that way since he was a visual learner. Soon enough he was able to sing along to the karaoke audio.

Bakugo groaned as he hit the training dummy repeatedly. His soulmate was getting annoying with the song repetition, but at least they had stopped the stupid pop music. The song repeated once again and he huffed, pulling back from the relentless beating as he threw his hands in the air. What were they doing? Practicing for a talent show? Doing a cover in a band? Why would they listen to the song so much?

Kirishima stopped listening to the song because he didn't want to annoy the other too much. He sang the song acapella to work on his tuning, "She worked her way threw a cheap pack of cigarettes," he sang as he made his way down stairs for some water. He looked around the common room and saw that Bakugo wasn't there so he kept singing, "hard liquor mixed with a little bit of intellect," he rounded the corner into the kitchen and there stood Kaminari.

He jumped and laughed nervously, "Oh, hey Kaminari! What are you up to?"

Kaminari looked up from what he was doing and smiled at him, "Hey, just making a snack. You good bro?"

"Yeah!" Kirishima scratched the back of his neck as he walked to the cup cabinet, "Just came down for some water before heading to the gym for practice." It was a Friday after classes so that was normal routine for him.

Bakugo popped his neck as he started back towards the locker room, pulling off his gloves and sticking them in his back pocket. He jumped a little when the door on the other side opened to reveal his best friend. He had been lost in thought about the whole soulmate thing so he wasn't focused.

"Oh," Kirishima felt his heart race seeing Bakugo standing there shirtless and sweaty, "hey bro. Was practice good?" He tried not to stare as he walked over to his locker.

Bakugo grunted, glancing over at Kirishima who was in a tank top and athletic pants that did everything for his body type. The tank top accented his shoulders and the sweatpants left nothing to Bakugo's imagination. He shook his head and forced himself to look back at his locker.

Kirishima stuck his earbuds in and stuck his phone in his pocket, closing his locker behind him, "Well, I'm gonna go let out some steam. See ya."

Bakugo watched him walk out and once alone, slammed his locker shut so he could hit his forehead against it.

Stop. Thinking. About. Kirishima. Like. That.

He told himself. He slumped against the locker and the song Stupid for You by Waterparks started up in his brain again. He huffed and laughed bitterly; yea he was stupid for Kirishima.

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