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I've never believed in imaginary things like magic or monsters. I have always thought they we're just fantasy, but my friend on the other hand, she believes in all of those things. I personally think she's a bit crazy but that doesn't make me love her any less. Her name is Madison and we've been friends since 5th grade. Even then she would talk about 'powers' and magical creatures.  

"Nikki" Madison says as she waves her hand in front of my face. 

"What?" I say.

"Did you even listen to a word I said?" 

"Uh, no" 

She sighs "well I was talking about how we should get going, we've been at this mall for a while and its getting dark" 

She always is paranoid about the dark because she says that's when vampires, werewolves, and other things would come out. 

"Okay" I say and stand up "lets go" I push my chair in then I follow her out of the food court and out of the mall.

As we're walking out of the crowded mall I see one man that stands out. He's tall, dressed in all black with long black hair. The thing about him that creeps me out about him is that he's starring right at me. I look away for a second then back at him and he's gone. I feel someone grab my arm, I look over at the person and it's just Madison. 

"What are you looking at?" she says.

"Oh" I pause for a second "uh, nothing" 

By her facial expression I can tell that she clearly knows that I'm lying but she ignores it "well, come on."

She walks quickly to her car and I walk at a normal speed. I have the weird feeling that someone's watching me, it creeps me out a little so I walk a bit faster and get into the passenger side of the car. 

"Night, text you in the morning" she says as I'm getting out of the car. 

 "Goodnight" I say as I close her car door and walk into my apartment.

As I'm walking into my dim lit apartment, I swear I see a shadow of a person. I turn the light switch on and there's no one there, I sigh "I'm just paranoid" I mutter to myself. I walk into my bedroom and strip out of my clothes and into some comfy sweatpants and oversized shirt. 

I lay down on my bed, I turn my lamp off that's on my nightstand then close my eyes. I start to drift off into my sleep when I start to get the feeling of someone watching me again. I try to ignore the feeling but I feel as if the person is staring into my soul. 

Even though I'm uncomfortable with the feeling of someone watching me, I fall asleep. 


I wake up from the sun shining in my window. I sit up to stretch, then I reach over and grab my phone 

Madison: Hey, can I come over later? 

Me: Sure


"Hey" Madison says as I open the door.

"Hi Maddie" she walks in and flops on my couch 

"Lets watch a movie" she says and gets off the couch and starts going through my movies. She picks out The Hunger Games. We're about to sit down and watch it when she jumps up and goes to the kitchen and looks through my cabinets. 

"You're out of popcornnn" Madison whines. 

"Do you want me to walk up the street to the store and get some?" I ask

"It's dark out! You can't go out now!" 

I sigh "I'll be fine" I say as I slip on my black hoodie "I'm going to the store, I'll be right back" 

I walk out of the door and down the sidewalk towards the store. Not many people are out. Well who am I kidding, It's winter and below freezing out in Scranton right now. 

I walk into the small store and go to the isle with popcorn in it and grab a box then head to the front of the store, where the cashier is. I pay for it then exit the store and walk back towards my apartment. As I walk down the dark sidewalk, I feel as if someone is watching me. Frightened, I walk faster towards my apartment.

I keep walking and right as I think I'm alone again, I see a tall figure not too far away from me. I stand shaking in fear as the person walks closer to me. It walks out of the darkness and the light reveals the tall man. He's grinning devilishly and suddenly his eyes turn red. 

"Hello Nikki" 

I know this was sort of a short first chapter but this is an idea that came to me a few days ago and I wanted to write about it cx I want to know from you guys if you want me to continue writing this or not. Also I won't write anymore probably until my other story Seems Like Forever is finished.

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