Not this again - 1

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After the events of Pahkitew Island, and it being discovered to be a mechanical Island, not just by the cast members but the original cast from Island and Revenge of the Island there for a new season, Chris rented a new island for a new cast. And now it is fully paid, as he has bought the island, and is using it again. For Generations 1, 2, 3, and 4 to get back into the drama life.

Chris is sitting down on one of the tree stumps, roasting a marshmallow with Chef.

"Chris McLean here! Thought you've never see me again, huh?" Chris yells ecstatically into the camera, holding out his stick to the fire to roast his marshmallow still as he flashes his well-known smile. "You may remember me from seasons such as Island to our lastest from 2 years ago, Total Drama Ventures, where we based the season off of Medieval adventures, and all of that kiddy stuff. Kinda put us in a budget, but since people did enjoy it, we're bringing back ANOTHER season!"

"We're bringing back all of our past contestants." Chris says. "Let's meet them, shall we?" Chef throws away his marshmallow. "Great waste of food, man." Chris says sarcastically. Chef rolled his eyes, and escorts Chris out of the bonfire area.

They meet up with camera 2 guy on the dock, where Generation 4 members are being dropped off. "First up, (Y/N)!" The camera turns to you, arriving from a boat. You notice the attention and smile awkwardly, waving at the camera. The boat hits against the dock hard, as you wobble from the rough stop and stumble out off the boat, but regain your balance and save yourself from falling.

"Nice save." Chris says. You look around, then glare at Chris. "You're lucky the money right now is the ONLY thing keeping me from inflicting damage upon your face, Chris." Arms crossed, you threatened. Clever upon knowing Chris was obsessed with his looks. Chris holds up his arms in defense. "New contract!" He says, with a hint of desperate in his tone. You walk off to the other side of the dock, arms crossed still as you wait for the other cast members.

Everybody looked far more different from their past appearances. You wondered to yourself, not paying attention to their introductions but more by how they've changed.

Everyone had arrived then, which is what you all had thought. Until then, a boat pulls up, there, shows a familiar face. It was Courtney. She was certainly different. She was dressed in casual, yet classy clothing. And was on the phone with somebody. She stomped towards Chris. "I am SO not staying here again. I am now a law student. I don't have time for this! I will be suing!" She says, continuing to yell out threats. Courtney ranted about her horrible time, which you all could agree on. It was horrible here, anywhere with Chris was. None of you even agreed to coming back. Although, Courtney. She was actually scary in person. Chris shielded himself with his arms. Scott, which is supposedly her ex, had interfered and had a surprisingly calming effect on her. Courtney sighs, and walks to the other side of the dock, with Scott.

After Courtney had calmed down, thanks to her ex Scott, Chris arranged teams. "(Y/N), Dave, Topher, Sam, Dj, Jared, Grace, Marie, Ella. You guys are from now on members of the Steady Antelopes, until the merge." Chris says, usual grin on his face. "The other team, who shall be known as a current Leading Lion member, Courtney, Scott, Alejandro, Heather, Anne Maria, Dennis, Sugar, Sky, Lightning, Brick." He says. "Today-"

"Um, Chris?" Ella squeaks out. "I don't believe this is quite fair. They have the advantage of more members." She says. Topher cuts in. "Yeah, we only have 9 people on our team. Surely you won't let this stand by, right?"

"I knew Chris couldn't let me go that easily." Topher says, slicking back his hair, it bounces back into place. "But my strategy this season is different. I want to win the money, so that once I win it, I can buy my way into being the host and replacing Chris!" He squealed.

Chris rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Fineeeee. I was hoping it didn't come to this, but due to popular demand, constant complaints, and being threatened to sue.." Suddenly, a boat comes into view. The same familiar punk music from the first ever Total Drama episode came on, as someone sets foot on the dock.

You're POV
At first, I wasn't familiar with the music and didn't see it as a sign to be worried, until I looked upon the face of Courtney and her Generation. And when he steps out, we all gasped in shock to be in the presence of Jailbird, Duncan. He certainly has changed. His once mohawk, now grown and more of a flap. Still green. He had a lip piercing, a change of clothes. They give tattoos in jail? I was stunned with shock, and stunned with how attractive he's gotten. What am I doing? Am I drooling? Why am I suddenly feeling this about him? Why now? I was never fond of him. People told me to stay away from boys like his kind, especially this being Duncan. He cheated on Courtney, and was unfaithful to Gwen. AND he blew up Chris' cottage, which is apparently a mansion. HE IS STRAIGHT OUT OF JAIL.

"It isn't like me to drool over guys." You say, looking down at your lap before looking up into the camera. "I mean.. It's been a year or so since I've dated someone/I'm not usually finding attraction to people."

"(Y/N)?" My friend, Marie who was with me last season, waves a hand in front of me. I snap back to reality, and go bright red. I just started zoning out, and Duncan had obviously seen it. I shake my head, looking down. I put a hand on my cheek, caressing it as I nervously bite my lip. "See something you like, (Y/N)?" Chris had noticed, and decided to tease me about it. Everybody is looking at me now. "W-what?! No! Just, I was kinda zoning out, I wasn't paying attention." I shake my hands out, making weird motions. Everybody gave me an odd stare. I'm red with embarrassment. I look down again.

No one's POV
"Weirdness aside. Duncan is now apart of the Steady Antelopes." Duncan walks over to your side, giving you a wink. You look away immediately. Duncan then glares over at Courtney and Scott acting awkward to one another.

"Scott and Courtney? Apparently they got together after I left. I had a suspicion of the two. And to think Scott was a pal." Duncan says, obviously bothered. "But whatever man. I don't care." Duncan turns his head away with a scoff. Then for a second or two his expression turns into one of worry.

"Anyways.. Today, we spent all our time getting everything ready to set up. So Chef here," Chris gives Chef a glare. "Didn't prepare the food you guys would have before the challenge. So, with that, your challenge for today will be to find food and cook it. Whosever dish looks most pleasing, will win immunity and an advantage for the challenge that will be held tomorrow." Chris says. Everybody groaned. "So glad you're excited to start! But before we do, let's take a short break." Chris says, winking into the camera.

Okay, gosh. I hope you enjoyed the first episode of this little fanfic! If you enjoyed it, I'll be sure to make more! I added in my own characters as well. I want everyone to be included in this story, so that you, as the reader, isn't the only one focused on. Please excuse some grammar errors, I'm new to the writing scenes.

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