7 Minutes, one large closet, 2 people - 6

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Your POV

I'm sitting down in a chair, quite a comfy one, besides Duncan. But I feel everything but comfortable. There was an awkward silence, as I sat with my leg crossed over the other and hands on my lap, just staring at decor around.

Suddenly, the male beside me spoke. "You're weirdly quiet." Duncan commented with a smirk, as he kept his position, relaxed.

I roll my eyes playfully, and smirk as well. "Well, what do you want me to say?" I respond, the awkward silence vanishing. This was better.

"Ah, now that you say that. Not really sure what I want you to say. Just that you're usually beaming with energy and stuff." He shrugged, and I giggle. "Are you saying I'm loud?" I ask, still playful. "Hmmm, maybe." He looked over, with a smirk still. We met eyes and he just simply winked. I felt flustered seeing that, and quickly looked away. He caught it and raised a brow in suspicion.

Suddenly, I'm heated. Since when has the sight of him ever done this? When has it sent me over this much? Why did he suddenly get more... I stop in my thoughts before I could finish. Attractive? That thought flew around in my mind, surrounding my head and making me lose track of where I am and how suspicious my behavior appears right now.

I snap back to reality when I hear the sound of my chair move and my direction changed, and then look up to meet his eyes again.

God, his eyes are gorgeous.

His hands are placed on top of mine. I try to look away from his gaze but one hand moves to my chin, which directs me back to his eyes.

I'm heating up even more, as he pulls me in. What's going on? What is he doing? Why is this happening? I'm confused. Why is he pulling me? We're getting close.. Is he trying to kiss me? Millions of thoughts go by. But they stop, as I feel a gentle pair of lips take place on mine.

Duncan's POV

Just seconds ago me and (Y/N) were goofing off.. No, not goofing. More, just taking jabs at each other? Eh. I don't know. But now, she and I are sharing a kiss together.

I'm not the type for such lovey dovey heartfelt confessions, but (Y/N) had this strange way of making me feel weird inside. Well, at first she was quite blunt. She was nosy and rude. She was in everybody's business and stuff. She really reminded me of my past relationship. Not with Gwen. But with Courtney. You saw how ugly that got.

How ugly I got.

Eh, I'll save you the details on how it went. Just watched the show. But somehow I'm growing the same admiration I had for Courtney when I now know we're long gone. Never ever happening again. She's over me now.

This is getting really sloppy but basically (Y/N) had this same sort of flair Courtney did.

So recently, I made a huge fool of myself in front of Courtney when I was trying to figure out some of these lost feelings I had. Lost feelings. That made me want some sort of change. Redemption? I told you I wasn't good at lovey dovey confessions.

But now I'm kissing (Y/N). How long has it been going for? I don't know, so I quickly pull away, opening my eyes.

I watched her stunned face when our eyes meet again. For a second, we're staring at each other, then we both get flustered. We just did that. God, why do I want it to happen again?

No ones POV

"SORRY!" You immediately get up and turn away, beaming with blush and embarrassment. Duncan remains in his chair, but is also turned away in embarrassment.

Suddenly, someone yells from outside, a lot of commotion is suddenly heard. Then you hear the holographic Chris call for you and Duncan to come out. You walk up to the door, but he calls out to you. You turn and meet him face to face. You blush a bit more. And his embarrassed expression who's away to a more confident one. He smirks and leans in, whispering into your ear. "I liked it." He says. You heated up and immediately rush out. Suddenly, you see your teammates cheering. Marie hyping you up especially. "GO, (Y/N)! WHOOP WHOOP!" She called out, with glee. You turn to see what they were talking about. There was a large TV set up. That was live, and recording from inside the closet. You go red, realizing that your teammates have seen you and Duncan just kiss. Duncan soon comes out of the closet and sees the others cheering. "Spicy! Anything to declare, future couple?" Holographic Chris smirks.

You and Duncan flush with blush, and head off to sit down with your friends. You sit with the girls while he sits by the guys. What they previously have seen being the main topic of your conversation.

God, how embarrassing. But, you had to admit. You really did enjoy your little moment with him. Much to your embarrassment of admitting it. But it made you question yourself. Were you falling for the bad boy of Total Drama? The delinquent? The one you tried to avoid this whole time?

Thoughts cloud your mind and soon you're zoning off, while others continue to talk. The rest of the challenge goes on, until it's time. And the challenge finishes.

It was declared that the challenge was over, and that it was a reward challenge. So no elimination. That was great. Soon, you're all hanging out under the stars, when Duncan pulls you away from the group and you two head off for your nightly hangout in the woods.

Your friends watch you leave. "What do you think they're doing?" Sam wondered out loud. Jared shrugged, so did Topher and Dj. "If I had to guess, I'd say that earlier events may have a influence as to what they'll be doing now." Dj says, with a smirk. "So, probably making out." He added, jokingly. Marie laughed. "Duh! Hope it doesn't go even farther then that, though." Marie as well joked. A few gasped at her statement. Some laughed a bit.

They continue on with those thoughts in mind. About the future of you and Duncan's relationship.

-This was kinda short, but hoped you enjoyed! Also I love the idea of Duncan getting flustered. We make that canon for this Duncan! Hope you have a great day/night!

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