They finally talk - 4

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"Welcome back, campers! We will now be starting the challenge!" Chris announced.

Chris then blows a whistle, signalling everyone to line up for the slot and get their item. You were first.

You pulled the lever for the slot, and it spinned. Soon, it gave you an item. It appeared to be a skull.

"Oooh! I remember this scene!" Chris says as a tv screen lowers down from the sky, and shows a scene from season 1 of Total Drama.

"Courtney, wait!" Duncan on screen shows up, running onto the dock. The camera cuts to Courtney, who gets up from the boat driving off. "I made this for you!" Duncan called out, throwing a carved skull to Courtney, a smile on his face. She stares at it for a minute. "Okay, this is really weird and creepy, but.. I love it! I'll never forget you!" She calls back to him, holding the skull close to her chest and her other arm extended into the sky, waving goodbye to Duncan, beaming with happiness shown through a smile. As he waves back, a shocked face from disbelief of either her words, or about how much he'll miss her.

The clip ends. You turn as soon as a few people do to look at the two ex lovers, Courtney and Duncan. Courtney had her head turned away and nose in the arm, making the noise 'hmph'. Duncan as well is turned away, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes from the screen. Trying to act unbothered.

You sigh, knowing that Duncan is clearly bothered. You turn to Chris to hear his other words.

"They were the power couple back then! How cute! Your skull is locateding in the forest!" Chris told you. You nod, then walk back to Marie and wait for the others to finish getting their items.

You saw Courtney from the other side. She pulled her lever and was given an item. The item was red earrings, the same ones Lindsay wore in the Celebrity Manhunt special. Courtney rolled her eyes.

The TV played the scene of Lindsay walking out of the limo and talking to the interviewer Sierra. The whole time Courtney just being irritated. She still disliked the airhead blonde. "Stylish!" Chris says, flashing his smile as usual, and striked a flashy pose. Everybody either chuckled, or sent annoyed looks his way. "Your item can be found on the beach, in the water!" He says.

Soon Courtney walked off to her teammates.

Duncan was up next, to his slot and pulled it. The slot showed a black diary. On the screen, the TV showcased multiple moments Gwen was caught with the little journal. At the cabin with her team, in the woods where a Cody was eavesdropping her, and where Heather had read her diary out loud for the talent show. Duncan simply shrugged. "You won't believe what else is written there! She continued to use it even after season 1! The diary can be found at the beach!" Chris says. Duncan shrugged yet again.

The rest of your teammates soon received their items. Marie with Trent's Guitar, Topher with a microphone, Ella with a Princess Tiara, Grace with a Bouquet of flowers, DJ with Paintball Gun, Sam with a cell phone, and Jared with a marshmallow. Team Lions, Alejandro was tasked to find a key, Heather with Beth's old retainer, Scott with a cricket(presumably dead one), Anne-Maria with a nail filer, Lightning with a helmet, Dennis with a mask, Sugar with a glass cup, Sky with a trophy, and Brick with a briefcase.

Once they're all finished receiving their items, Chris blows the whistle. Everybody scatters to their designated areas to find the items. You and Marie both agree to work together to find each other's, when at the time you preferred to be alone. Your teammates, some, agreed go teaming up.

Duncan's POV

That bit. This whole thing bit. Just now Chris displayed a old clip from season 1. I don't even want to think about it. So immediately after I received my item, I stormed off. So now, I'm walking to the beach. And the item I got? A diary. Gwen's.

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