18. Gummy Worms and Sour Patch Kids

316 14 9

Journal Entry - 10/31/19

e m o t i o n -
excited, energized, genuinely happy

c h e c k l i s t -
- did laundry
- finished costumes
- bought candy

s e l f c a r e -
- pumpkin donut
- two bottles of water
- glass of apple cider
- bowl of spaghetti with butter

Halloween. The best day of the year. 364 boring days, all leading up to the best of the best.

This halloween is going to be a great one, I can just feel it. Beej and I have had a good past two weeks, and things have been getting better and better as the days progress. Now, it's almost like he never left.

We haven't kissed since the day he came back. He never mentioned it, and neither did I. It's crazy that I haven't written in here since that happened.. I really have to update this more, don't I? Sorry, future human.

I think about that kiss a lot. Whenever we're lounging around, or we stop while we're on our walk to look at the flowers, or I'm reading the newspaper to him because he's to stubborn to read for himself. So many movie-magic moments that just pass by, all because I'm too scared to say anything or make a move.

Tonight is going to be the night, I've decided. I'm going to kiss him, and I'm going to confront all those feelings that I've been hiding for the past few weeks. I have to. And it's the best night of the year, how could I pass up the opportunity to make it even better, more memorable?

I literally cannot wait.

In other news, we're going into town for the big costume bash! I hand-sewed costumes for Beej and I, and I'm forcing him to come with me. I swear he secretly likes it, and he just enjoys playing around with me. I'm not looking to win any costume contests, but when I say our costumes are good.. they're good.

I bought candy for us to put outside for the little ones, as well as some for Beej and I when we get home from our outing. Gummy worms and sour patch kids for him, and a variety of chocolate for myself. If all goes well, we'll be cuddling and watching horror movies together in the dark until 4 in the morning.

Did I mention how much I fucking love halloween?

Anyways. I gotta go get ready, now. Beej is at my feet as I'm writing this, humming to himself to keep his mind busy while I'm, 'doing my boring stuff'. Don't worry, I kicked him when he said that. Between you and me, future reader, I think he kinda likes watching me write. I can see it in his eyes, even when he tries to look away and pretend he wasn't fascinated by the way my hand moved across the page, or amused by the facial expressions I make without realizing.

I'll let you know how tonight goes. If you'll excuse me, I have to go tend to my toddler.

I shut my journal with a purposely loud thud, looking over at Beetlejuice as he played with his tie at the end of my bed. He didn't bat an eyelash, and I rolled my eyes as he ignored my obvious attempt to grab his attention. I nudged him with my foot, his gaze immediately drifting to my own.

"Ready?" I asked, laying my journal to the side and sitting up straight, excitement practically oozing out of my veins.

"For what?" He asked, playing stupid. I could tell he was hiding his smirk by the way that his eyes squinted with concentration.

"For the costume party, jerk." I nudged him with my foot once more before pushing my feet to the floor and standing to head to the closet. Our costumes were hung inside, still crisp from the ironing that I'd done only a few hours earlier.

"What are we, again?" Another teasing question. I'd told him nearly a thousand times, once for every time I made him try on his costume for alterations.

"Haunted mansion characters. Im the vengeful bride, and you're my decapitated husband-friend." I answered, lifting his hanger off of the rack and making my way out of the closet to meet him. "Now get dressed so I can do your makeup." I handed it off to him, and he simply stood there, looking at me expectantly.

Another tease. I loved it, but I despised it. The worst kind of love.

"Please." I added, which brought a smile to his pale, dead face. Jerk.

He made off towards the bathroom, and I made off for the closet once again so that I could slip into my dress. Makeup wouldn't take that long, and the party started in two hours. An hour for makeup and snacks before we left, and an hour to take a slow walk there. I refused to drive us anywhere, for obvious reasons. I hadn't been in a car for months.

Soon enough, we were both dressed up, and looking dead as ever. I swear I was made to be a dresser on broadway.

Beetlejuice looked handsome, as he always did. It was an odd change of scenery from his traditional striped suit, but it was a nice odd. The best odd.

"Drop-dead gorgeous." He commented with a soft chuckle, giving me a gentle twirl that made my dress puff out away from my legs, the fabric brushing against his own leg since we were so close.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I added, straightening his bow-tie so that it was at a better angle. A bloody red line was drawn across his neck right above it, fake blood oozing out of the convincingly drawn-on injury. "I kinda miss the stripes, but this is a good look for you."

"Why thank you, thank you." He did his own little twirl, showing off my finished masterpiece for me to see in action. As I'd said.. he looked amazing.

"Ready to head out? If we go now, we can stop to see the halloween house down the street. I heard they decorate amazingly every year, and that this year is their best yet. I didn't go down the street just so that we could go see it for the first time tonight." My excitement was showing, and I knew it. Over my time with Beetlejuice, I'd realized he didn't mind my blabbering. If anything, he'd encourage me to continue my thoughts.

"Oh, the one with a huge blowup jack-o-lantern, the coffin that opens by itself, the eleven foot clown-"

"Beej! Did you seriously go without me? You knew I wanted to-"

"I'm just playin', I'm just playin'. Sorry, scarecrow. I promise I didn't even glance down the street since they put up their decorations." He assured me, and I was fairly confident that he was telling the truth. He didn't lie much anymore, unless it was playfully. I appreciated that more than he would ever know.

"Good.. you had me scared for a second." My frustrated, worried expression quickly transformed into one of excitement, my eyes lighting up as I reached out to gently take his hand.

I tugged him across the room to the door, quickly grabbing his flower prop, as well as my fake hatchet, from beside my dresser before pulling him into the hall and down the stairs.

I was ready for the night of my life, and nothing was about to ruin it for me.

Nothing, and no one.

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