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Music blasts from the cheap speakers Alex stole a few weeks back as he cuts the old strings off his guitar. He hasn't yet bothered to speak to Jack since breakfast that morning which was nearly five hours ago. Instead, Alex spent his time blocking Jack on social media because he was just that petty.

By the time the strings are off the shiny white Telecaster, there's a knock on the door.

"Nobody's home!" Alex shouts over the music before turning up the volume. He dances around the room to his backpack where there's a set of brand new 10-46's

"Alex, please open up?" Comes the sound of Jack's voice from the other side of the door.

Alex simply doesn't respond, choosing to sing the lyrics of Dysentery Gary at the top of his lungs rather than deal with feelings.

"Jesus Christ, Alex!" Jack complains. "You're a grown man, not a teenager! I just came here to talk!"
"Yeah well I came her to not listen!" Alex shouts before continuing on with his singing. He knows Jack loves listening to him sing, even if it was just half-assed humming while Alex made dinner. Now Alex is just trying to piss him off.

"You're being immature!" Jack shouts.
"You know what's immature," Alex mocks the way Jack said that last word as he turns off the radio and then swings the door open. Jack, who had been leaning on said door, stumbles forward. "Ignoring a text that was sent in order to make peace," Alex states. "That's immature."

When Alex finally get's a good look at Jack, he nearly gasps in surprise, stepping back when he sees the dark circles hidden behind Jack's glasses and the complete lack of care in his appearance. Alex had only seen Jack like this once, and it was during his denial period way back in high school.

Jack was terrified of coming out to his parents and started denying he was ever gay. He almost died that year.

Jack had almost always worn contacts, and the fact that Jack is wearing his glasses causes Alex's stomach to drop into his shoes. Alex had only seen the black frames late at night or on a lazy Sunday. It used to be something that turned him on, now Alex is just sad.

The fogged up lenses cover Jack's face almost as well as the ratty beard that Alex was ready to shave off right now with the knife in his pocket, but he doesn't. He can't. He won't.

Jack's tired voice pulls Alex out of his worried thought process. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asks, causing Alex to scoff.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex crosses his arms and studies the man in front of him, still slightly taller, but less so due to Jack's slouching. Alex wants to say something about that, but he holds it back. "I texted you," Alex almost snarls, "a few weeks ago."

Jack frowns, his expression blank as he thinks about Alex's statement. "I must have missed it," he mutters hollowly, like he's leaving something out.

Alex stares at Jack for a long time; at the scratches on the foggy lenses of his glasses and the extra pair Alex still has in his backpack. It would be so easy to hand them to Jack right now, but he can't bring himself to do it. He's too angry. He's not even sure why anymore.

He crosses his arms, choosing to pick another fight than to make amends. "You're lying," he says. He can always tell when Jack's lying, at least when Jack's lying to Alex. He gets all emotionless and empty, like the guilt's eating him alive.

"You know what Jack, fuck you. I tried to make amends already, and that went ignored. I wanted to talk to you Jack, I wanted to fix this, because I still fucking loved you. Now you're calling me immature because I don't want to talk, but you're lying through your teeth right now-"
"Alex I'm not-"
"Just fuck off-"

Jack hadn't meant to shout, but it's too late now. Alex gapes at him, shocked and still steaming. At least Jack has his attention now.

"Look," Jack says, lowering his voice with a sigh, "I lost my phone while I was at the camp. I probably really did miss your text and I'm really sorry. Maybe I should've given you more time to cool off, but I love you and I'm terrified that the linger I wait, the worse this will get."
"It's already bad, Jack," Alex murmurs.
"I know," Jack agrees, "and it's my fault. Just give me another chance, okay? I really am sorry."

Alex stares at the floor for a moment as he leans against the door frame, considering Jack's words. His eyes seem to be at something much further into the distance than Jack's ratty old converse, but it also seems like Alex isn't really looking at anything at all.

"Okay," he says finally. He holds out his hand for Jack to shake. "Truce?"
"Absolutely," Jack says, taking Alex's hand without much hesitation. "Truce."

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