No Reflection

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No way this was real. It couldn't be. Could it? No... Maybe? Dabi stumbled backwards, "Wait... This can't... How did you-."

"We didn't know when the right time to see you would be." Fuyumi spoke.

"So we decided now would be better than never."

Dabi put up a front and scoffed, "You should have never came to see me. There's no point. Now go." He didn't want anybody near him. He was still so confused. He didn't know who he was. Who he wanted to be. Now having his siblings here made things even worse. He didn't even know how else to communicate with them. Dabi had no idea how to act like Touya anymore, and he wasn't even completely sure if he wanted to.

Natsuo slowly walked over to him, "We just want to help you, Touya."

Before he realized what was going on, Dabi had already captured his younger brother by the collar, his hands releasing steam instead of fire when he tugged him closer. "Do you think I need your help? Do I look miserable and scared to you?" His eyes darkened as his voice dropped into a growl. Natsuo's body began to slightly shake, "Are you afraid of me, little brother?"

"Stop this." Shouto demanded as his sister held him back.

Natsuo gulped, then straightened up his posture and furrowed his white brows. "Like hell I am." He tightened his hand around Dabi's wrist and pulled him off his shirt. "What I want is my brother back. When I say that, I don't mean the sickly little boy. What I mean, is the man standing in front of me who wasn't afraid to stand up to our piece of garbage father. The man that fought too hard for too long to grow up to be as strong as he is. I want the man that was able to fight off death and recover from a freaking hole in his chest! That's my brother! That's you, Touya! Not some villain that hides behind a fake persona, my brother is you."

For a brief moment the room was filled with silence. For a second you could even hear the ticking sound from the clock hanging on the wall. Everybody knew that there was good in Touya's heart. But the only thing that had to be done was for him to accept it. In his mind, his heart was a burnt, shriveled up piece of flesh that pumped cold blood through his veins.

"You don't know me."

"Neither do you." Fuyumi finally intervened. "There is good in your heart. Because if there wasn't then you would have never let Shouto live that night."

"I changed my mind." Flames engulfed his hands, "And I can change it again if I wanted to."

"That's all we needed to hear." A voice echoed from a purple portal. Everybody looked on in horror as The League of Villain's walked through Kurogiri's warp gate. Shigaraki placed a hand, with one finger up, on Dabi's shoulder. "We were just waiting for you to get healthy again so you could re join us." He smiled sinisterly. "C'mon Patchwork. Let's go."

"Handy Mans got big plans for us, Dabi!" Toga cheered, "Its going to be great and it's all thanks to you!"

"Hell yeah! I missed you so much Dabi! I was worried sick! Drop dead jerky face!"
Twice greeted excitedly. "Hey, who's the squad?"

Dabi looked over at the league then back at his family. "They're nobody." He discreetly put the picture he was holding in his back pocket. "Let's go. I hate hospitals."

"Don't do this, Touya!" Natsuo warned.

Shouto stood beside his brother, "This is your second chance. Are you seriously going to waste it like this?"

Fuyumi had tears in her eyes, "We're your family. Does that mean nothing to you?" Her voice cracked. "All these years we thought you were dead. And now that we finally have you back you want to run away! Run away with these vile thugs!?"

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