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Author's pov

Final exams was coming up in two days. The students had done preparations for whatever was going to be in the exam. Y/N had gotten better in the past days. She can go to school as healthy as ever again. But, she was worried about her parents. They had not come home for two days straight. Y/N was fortunate enough to get a text message from them the morning after she got sent home by Karma.

"Hey, we're gonna go on a little trip to Okinawa. We are sorry because we can't bring along with us. It is work stuff so we don't have the control over it. We had bought a bunch of food for you to eat while we're gone. We can't promise you how long we're on this trip. Don't worry about us okay? We promise we're going to go home safely. Bye. Love you. See you soon :)" -Mom

Whenever she read this message, she always felt that something is wrong. She decided to ignore that gut feeling.

The students from the E-Class were sitting outside for a better environment to focus on studying while having Koro Sensei to teach them. "Do you want us to be in the top fifty for this exam sir?" Nagisa asked. "No, I've come to believe that students should have a goal that satisfies him or her. Which is why I want to make an agreement with you guys. Karasuma had told you that if I lose a tentacle, I will also lose speed." He said as he shot one of his tentacles.

"One fewer tentacle is already adequate to make a difference. See? I can't keep up the quality of my clones. Now, there are a few child clones get mixed in. Loses one more, you get more child clones."

They see the children clones playing.

"Each tentacle lost is a ten percent reduction of my movement. Therefore, the deal is whoever gets the greatest overall score in each subject will have the right to destroy one of my tentacles. This is the final exams anyway. Let's see if you are even close enough to kill me to get that ten billion yen prize.

"This teacher already distinguishes on how to get us motivated." Y/N thought.

Y/N's pov

We headed back to our classroom.

Nagisa, Okuda and Kayano gathered at Sugino's seat.

"Do you think we could get the top score to destroy one of his tentacles?" Nagisa asked. "Of course we can do it!" Okuda said. "Since when do you get this fired up Okuda?" Karma asked from his seat. "Well, since I'm doing good in science, I could lend a hand or help you guys out."

Science....the only thing I like about you is Bill Nye.

Suddenly, we heard Sugino's phone started ringing.

He picked it up. It was his friend I guess, I did not pay attention to whatever conversation they were having even though all of the classmates seemed intrigued by it.

"Hey, are you okay now? Do your head still hurt?" Karma asked me. "Now you wanna ask?" "Please appreciate that I actually give a damn about you." "Haha. Yeah. I'm feeling better now." "Great. Now I don't have to walk you home every day." "But, I didn't ask to be sent home every day by you." "Shut up" "Hehe."

I said that I did not bother listening to Sugino's phone call with his friend right? But there is one name that grabbed my attention.

"And reigning over all of this top scorer is Asano Gakushu! He got the first place in the national mock exams. He is also a student council president!" His friend yelled ridiculously loud in the speaker.

Wait, I think I heard that name from somewhere...


Wow. Better than Karma I might say.

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