Chapter 1: Camlann's Cries

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Chapter 1: Camlann’s Cries
Arthur's PoV

     A sense of ebbing doom and dread smothered me as I looked across the thin strip of land, staring straight into the face of Morgana's army. Her group of men looked powerful. We were outnumbered five to one. In an eerie way, a strong wave of serenity washed over me, as though I had come to terms with the fact that I'd most likely die here. Die fighting alongside my knights for what I believed to be right and true. If it were any comfort, at least my death would not be in vain.

     A part of me still couldn't believe that Merlin wasn't here, fighting alongside me, or at least cheering me on from the sidelines, away from harm. He'd always been so brave, so loyal… What had happened? I guess I couldn't blame him. I'd always called him a coward, when in reality, he was probably the most courageous man I'd ever met. But even the brave get scared. Even I was scared.

    He claimed he had an errand. I couldnt and didn't want to believe that. Though the thought could be selfish, I had never even considered the fact that he may not be here with me. I needed him by my side in this dark time. Even if I'd never admit it.

     And then that serenity was gone, and in its place came the battle cries of angry men.

    The massacre that followed was a blur to me. A destructive vortex of screams and shouts, wins and losses, life and death. All I knew was that I was fighting for my life, and the lives of many others. Within just that first 30 seconds, I knew that I had the blood of at least five different soldiers on the point of my sword. The sword that Merlin lead me to find.

     Now was not the time to be thinking of him. There were more pressing matters on hand.

     I don't know how long we were fighting for, but it got to a point where our future seemed nothing but bleak. The only thought that had entered my mind was the realisation that we were losing this battle.

     That's when the inexplicable occured.

     One second, half of my men and I were surrounded with vicious enemies, fighting desperately for a way out. The next, they were knocked down onto the floor, by a force that could only be magic. It was as though there had been an explosion, only Camelot's side were protected. I darted over to the closest opponent, looking to see if he was dead. Sure enough, he was.

     We all exchanged startled looks, but then they ran bravely on, pressing forward to fight the next wave. I looked around, trying to see who it was that had done this, but my vision was obscured by the flood of warriors. I hesitated, needing to know. Looking up and around, I saw a flash of crimson robes on the cliffs. They seemed familiar, and as I looked closer, I recognised the old bearded man above me. Dragoon the Great, the name by which he had introduced himself to me once.

    My eyes locked onto his face but I tore my gaze away as I fell back into reality. Looking onwards with a grim expression, I joined the tide of men.

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