Chapter 2

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The next morning, the three siblings got up, got dressed, and went to school.

Sarah joined Danny on patrol. They had left their supplies with Jazz. Sarah spotted the Box

Ghost at a box store. She pointed him out to Danny.

"This is going to be too easy." he said, flying down. He didn't even bother fighting the ghost; he

just sucked him up in the thermos. When they saw Tucker and Sam at school, waiting for Danny,

they flew down to the corner. No one at Casper High wore a costume, at least none they could

see. Sarah ran to get her stuff, then transformed and flew to the middle school. She went to class

early and got started on her work. She turned in her homework from the night before. She was

rather impatient for school to be over. She handed in her homework and paid attention in every

class, but she was really watching the clock. When school was finally over, she met Jazz and

Danny at Jazz's car. She had transformed and flown to Casper High. The entire school district is

named Casper. She got into the car and greeted Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.

"I couldn't wait for school to be over. I paid attention and got my homework, but I was really watching the clock."

"We were, too. I was thinking we could go to Vlad's house through the Ghost Zone and TP his

house from the inside." Tucker said.

"No. Let's take the Specter Speeder and drive to his house. I mean, the Specter Speeder is

recognized as a motor vehicle, right?"

They've driven it on the road before, didn't they? I think I remember that.

"Yeah." Jazz agreed.

"I have some green and gold streamers we could use." Sam suggested.

"We'll need some tape for what I'm planning." Sarah said.

"What?" Danny and Sam asked.

"Layer his front windows with the streamers."

"That'd be cool." Tucker said.

"But we'll have to be quiet, so he doesn't catch us, of course." Jazz said.

"He'd probably just call Mom & Dad if he does." Danny said.

"Or make us clean it up." Sarah said.

"Probably make us clean it up. You said he made you clean up after yourself when you made

that mess in your closet and under the bed." Danny pointed out. (See "Devastation".)

"He did, he did."

Jazz had backed out of the parking lot and driven to Tucker's house.

"So...we'll meet at ya'll's house, I guess?" he asked, getting out.

"Nah, we'll pick you up."

Jazz drove to Sam's house next.

"So...should we tell Mom & Dad that we're going to Vlad's?" Sarah asked.

"We'll say we're going for a drive, and...But what will we tell them we'll be back? What time?"

Danny asked.

"You're right. How about we take the Speeder through the Ghost Zone, but then we sneak out of

his house intangibly? Do you think we can pull it off?" Sarah asked as Sam got out, after saying

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