Later that week

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Disclaimer: I do not own "Danny Phantom". Thanks to ffnetlover for inspiring me with The

Football Wars

Later that week, Sarah was cleaning the study. She was done with school except for P.E. She

emptied the shredder last. She had put a whoopee cushion in Vlad's chair. She left before he

came in, though. She got the fish food and fed the fish, then gave the shredded documents to


Vlad had told her that he used them to hold in the moisture when he planted something. Then

she went into the woods and met Danny. She transformed and formed a shield. Danny's blast

bounced off of her shield. They went through the entire practice. They sat down afterwards,

catching their breath.

"So, I thought of some more pranks. Sprinkle some salt on your victim's toothbrush. When this

person goes to brush their teeth, he or she will get a salty tasted treat. Take some nail polish and

coat a bar of soap with it. Let it dry. Then put it in the bathroom shower. When your victim tries

to use it, he or she will go nuts trying to get it to lather up. Pick a rainy day and put some confetti

inside your victim's umbrella. When he or she goes to open it up...POOF! Out comes the confetti.

Use a small piece of black tape to block the TV sensor so whoever decides to watch TV next

cannot change the channel or adjust the volume. We could steal his football and hide it

somewhere. Should we hide the case or just the football?"

"Just the football. I think the case is much too big to hide."

"You're probably right. First, place a coin on your forehead and shake your head so the coin will

fall into a funnel that is inserted in the belt line of your pants. Once you master this, show Vlad.

He'll want to try it for himself. When he does, quickly pour water down the funnel and into his

pants. Just be sure to tell him you think he can't do it. We'll be punished, yes, but we'll make him

regret not sending us all home to face the music like Sam!"

"You are a devious little girl. I like how you're pulling all this on Vlad and not Mom and Dad."

"You know I don't have the guts to pull pranks on them!"

"I know." They walked through the forest and back to the castle. Then they went to their chores.

The kids went to bed later that night. After about two hours, Danny was sure Vlad had gone to

bed. He sneaked out of his room, transformed, then phased downstairs. He went straight to

Vlad's study and found the football. He phased through the glass and grabbed the football, then

phased back out. He flew to the woods and put the ball in the uppermost branches of a tree. He

flew back to the house and went straight to his room. He went back to sleep.

The next morning.... Danny and Tucker were talking over breakfast.

"Sarah wants you to go to and sign him up. Capital "v"

and "M". Then do you think you can create a fake newspaper? Have it say that Greenbay sold the

Packers to someone he graduated with."

"Sure can. Who do you want the article to be credited to?"

"Psyche, Mann. Or something like that."

All right." Tucker had his laptop. They went to class. Sarah washed the breakfast dishes, then

headed to class herself. Tucker did the sign-up during a break. He drew up the fake headline that

night. He printed it up and slipped it onto the paper early the next morning. At breakfast, Vlad told Gerald "Bring me the paper, Gerald."

Gerald went to the front door. He came back and handed it to Vlad. Vlad opened the paper and started to read the first article.

"Green Bay sold the Packers to Ray Johnson? I graduated with him! They wouldn't sell to me!"

Then he saw the byline. "It seems I have been made the butt of another joke. Daniel, you and Sarah shall be punished when you get home. As will Tucker."

"Yes, sir." A maid came into the dining room, nervously approaching Vlad.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Masters. It seems your signed football has gone missing."

"I will also be telling your parents about this. Where is it?"

"I'll get it down during P.E." Danny said.

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