Chapter One

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"Do you want to make a video next week?" Niomi asks down the phone.
"I'd love to, Niomi, but I've run out of ideas." I reply, sighing.
"Well, why don't we spend some time browsing YouTube looking for some ideas?"
"Alright then. I'll call you back when I find something."
"Brilliant." Niomi says, and then hangs up.
I put my head in my hands. What had I gotten myself into? Spending my afternoon scrolling through YouTube videos was not what I was planning on.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to find myself face to face with Alfie.
"Zoe, what's wrong?" He asks.
"Ugh. I need to look for video ideas because I'm collaborating with Niomi next week." I tell him.
"I'd love to sit and help you, but I've got to go over to Felix and Marzia's. Sorry."
"No, no, it's fine. You go." I tell him, and stand up to give him a hug.
"Okay then, love you, bye." He shrugs his coat on.
"Love you too." I say. He walks out the door and I'm left alone.
I turn on the computer and open the internet. Looking for video ideas is the worst. But, someone's got to do it.
An hour later, I'm still looking. I then hear a noise from the guinea-pigs cage. Even though I'm used to it, I've been sat in the quiet for a long time, and I still jump. My hand slips and I click on a random video.
The cover image is of a beautiful girl. She's a bit younger than me, with glistening, sea-green eyes and her blonde hair twisted into a side fishtail. I'm desperate, so I may as well click play.
"Hi people! I'm Eva. I feel kind of stupid seeing as I'm doubting anyone will watch this, but I'll give it a go anyway." She smiles. She's British, like me.
She must be a pretty new channel, or this is a pretty old video. Either way, I get why she's saying this.
"I am a massive fan of ThatcherJoe," she continues and I'm taken by surprise. Then again, my brother is also quite well known among teenagers, too. "So, after watching him for ages, I decided to start my own channel."
I'm proud of my little brother. How I could click on a random video and hear his name mentioned.
"Today I thought I'd make this video on my pet dog. He died recently, and this might also sound stupid, but we were very close." She takes a deep breath, looking like she's about to cry, before it cuts to the next shot. If the video continues like this, I'm definitely going to comment and like. I feel quite sorry for her, so I carry on watching.
"This video is going to be me sharing some photos, stories and home videos of me and my dog, Jake. Because he was such an amazing dog, and I feel I need to share this with the world!"
When the video ends, and I've sat through ten whole minutes of Jake the dog, I click subscribe and comment how cute I thought it was. I don't usually follow fans, but she seems cool. I'd probably get on with her if we met.
Then, I ring Niomi.
"Hey Zoë, did you find anything?" She says.
"Yep! I think we should do a memories video! Our best memories of each other, something like the one Louise and Dan did about their most embarrassing and awkward moments."
"Sounds perfect! See you soon!"
"See you soon." I reply.
I hang up and start planning the video.

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