Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I'll get it!" I shout, going to answer the door. When I do, a girl is stood outside. She's my age, maybe a bit younger, with big brown eyes and blonde ringlets in a high ponytail. She has a pink bandana on and a flowery jumpsuit.
"Can I help you?" I ask.
"Oh, well...never mind, I may have gotten the wrong house..." She says in an Australian accent, glancing down at her phone.
"Who are you looking for?" I ask.
"Um, yes, he's here...JOE IT'S FOR YOU!" I shout. I should have interrogated her first, but if she says she's here for Joe then I'll call him for her. She doesn't look like a fan...
He comes walking out of the lounge.
"Hi Joe, it's you remember?" She says as soon as she sees him.
"Stephanie?" He asks. I kind of feel awkward, so I step back, but keep listening.
"Joe! I can't believe it's you!" She throws herself at him, and he just about catches her.
"Hey, Steph, this is my wife Eva...Eva, this is Steph...we were best friends back since we were like six."
"Oh, your wife...oh..."
"Problem?" I ask, smiling at her as sweetly as I can.
"No, no..." She's looking at a spot in the distance.
"Come on in." Joe says, stepping to the side.
"Dinner's just cooked." I say, going to take the pizza out of the oven. I find that Lillie already has, and she and Caspar are cuddled up on the sofa eating it.
Joe introduces them to Steph and then we sit down to eat. When we're done, Joe looks at me and slightly points his head towards the door. I nod a little and follow him out.
"Why is she here?" I ask when we're out of earshot.
"I honestly don't know, I'll need to chat to her. But there's some stuff you need to know..."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that when she was nine there was this accident, and she hasn't been the same since."
"What sort of accident?" I ask curiously.
"A car accident. We became best friends when we were about six all the way up until we were sixteen. Then she moved away to Australia."
"Oh. Okay. How long will she be here?"
"I'll get her out by tonight. At the most tomorrow." He runs downstairs and returns a few minutes later with Stephanie.
"Stephanie, why exactly are you here?" He asks.
"I, uh, came here to B-B-Brighton," She puts her hand on her forehead as if she's trying to remember something, which she probably is. "With my brother. I remembered that you lived here now, Joe, and I missed you. I hope you don't think I'm in-in-intruding."
"Not at all!" I smile at her, and she glares back at me.

Oh, I can tell these next few hours are going to be tough.

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