The End (or is it?)

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Patrick stood by the end of the red carpet. There was an alter in front of him. All the seats were empty except the ones with Glenn and Zane. They were going to get married at the beach. Even though it was raining. It was a beautiful day nontheless. Patrick held his bouqoet of flowers then walked down the aisle.

Dum Dumm Da Dummm

Dum Dumm Da Dummm

He saw his future flash before his eyes. EVerything he wanted with Alex. His future. His kids. All his friends. Especially MIku. His all time favourite person in the world that he couldn't thank for everything she's done.

"Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of NAME and NAME. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow NAME and NAME to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them.So welcome to one and all, who have traveled from near and far. NAME and NAME thank you for your presence here today and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married."

The officiant said. Patrick's heart ba bumped. He was so nervous. Through kissing Alec, he could save the world, but he didn't want to do it. He was in love with Alex.

Alec moved in to kiss Patrick, puckering his lips. Patrick hesitated. Zane death glared him.


It was the most familiar voice.


The tall brunette was running towards him with his whole heart. All his other friends were running behind him.

"Guys!" Patrick yelled. He abandoned the alter and ran towards them. He embraced Alex tightly and kissed him. It was like a fresh glass of water. Refreshing. Wet. "You came..."

"Of course we did!" Miku said. "Because we love you."

"And we'll never abandon yuo," Taylah said.

"And we'll always be here," Tyler said.

"And we'll save you," Vicky said.

"No matter what," Maddy said.

Zane and Glenn ran over, holding out their hands.

"Run!" Patrick yelled. And they jumped out of the way. All the chairs and water from the ocean began to swirl around them.

"What the fuck?!" all of them shouted. Patrick explained everything. "Oh right."

"What are we going to do? We're going to die!" Maddy said with a loud voice, flailing her arms.

"I need to get married to Alec to save the world!" Patrick announced. Alex shook his head.

"You're not going to marry him," he protested. "Because I love you."

"You do?" Patrick asked in surprise. Alex nodded.

"Yeah. And I think we should have kids."

Patrick smiled, but then his face turned into determination. He clenched his fists and walked through the tornado of rage. He walked towards Alec, his stance strong. Even when Glenn and Zane tried throwing stuff at him, he could deflect them with his pure strenght. They gasped.

"What's happening?" Zane asked, confused.

Glenn knew. "It's because he tried to marry Alec twice but they never got married. This weakened Alec and now..." he shook his head. "Now Patrick's the strongest person in the world."

Chapter 28
Patrick stormed towards Alec, who was now shivering in fear. He clentched his fist and ran directly towards Alec. The tall brunette blocked his attack, lightening and thunderbolts shudering around them.

Everyone gasped, trying to hold onto the sand to stop themselves from flying away.

Patrick backflipped backwards, landing perfeclty. Alec, on the other hand, flew backwards, rolling back. He was a weak bitch.

"You're going to kill him!" Zane gelled, sad. Patrick was so infused with rage that he couldn't hear anyone. He clenched his fist again and punched him. More thunderbolts and fire blasted out of their intense, raw fight.

But this time Alec just took it. He couldn't fight anymore. He was exhausted. He had fought all his life. He needed to survive. But he couldn't do it anymore. He could imagine the people from the orphanage. How they laughed at him. Belittling him. But he realised that he didn't care.

Alec's heartbeat slowed as he collapsed onto the sand. Zane and Glenn and Angus ram towards him, desperate.

"You can't die!!!" Zane cried as Alec slowly died in his arms. Blood rushes out of his lips.

"Zane..." he mumbled. "Glenn...I'm sorry for everything."

"Don't be. We're happy to serve you," Zane said, tears mimicking the rain around them.

"No Zane," Alec said. "You mean much more to me," he gasped, as if he'd been waiting to hear that for his whole life. "In my dying moment....would you marry me?"

Zane brought his hands to his lips and nodded vigoursly.


In the meantime, the Ultimate Five and Patrick were gathering their things and bolting. Glenn caught them but let them go. They went into Taylah's boat and road away into the sunset, the rain still pouring over them.

"Babe...we've finally won," Alex whispered into Patrick's ear, bringing him close.

"Won what?" He asked.

"The game of love."

Just as he said it, an explosion exploded behind them. It was Alec's power. He had combusted, taking his life as well as Zane's and Glenn's. but now they were truly happy.

"What are we going to do now?" Patrick asked as Taylah drove them into the sun.

"Whatever we want."

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