Chapter 12: His Scars (Part 2)

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      It had started to turn night. The sunset over the horizon, the sky painted in beautiful colors pinks,yellows, red, and blues. Vaas is drunk and high, being very touchy with me. I have drinken a few not enough to get me drunk. I sat down on a rock looking out into the sea. Somewhere out there is home. Freedom from this mad world. God, I miss home... Robin's Mother doesnt even know about her....This birthday feels more of a punishment then a gift of life. Vaas stumbles over to me a blush across his face. He put his hands on my knees he stood infront of me. I can't really see his face cause its dark only light he is blocking the light. Looking so happy that I am right there. He lightly touches  my faces tracing up the the eyepatch stings. 

"With the lack of an eye your even more beauitful." He smiled

"Dout it. It just makes me a freak." 

"No, dont look down on yourself your a beautiful little........little.....what was I talking about again?" He giggled. I smiled. 


"We are starting soon with the little bondfire. You want to light it?" He asks holding out his hands to me. 

"I guess It couldn't hurt." I slid off the rock and walked over to the little pit they have set up. one of them hands me a match. They pour gasioline onto the wood. I toss the match into the pit it sparked up flames. I stood back smiling at the sight of fire. The sound of the poping of the flames along with the sound of waves was oh so calming. Everyone stood up and stood around the campfire. Vaas stood  next to me. 

"Alright everyone you know the drill." 

They started to clap at the same time and some would start to make humming noice. 

"Happy Birthday Day to you."

They all sang along with Vaas a huge blush came across my face. 

"Happy Birthday Day to you." 

"Happy Birthday Dear Lady Scarlet." 

"Happy Birthday to youuuu~" They finished the song. All of them clapping and cheering as they went back to getting drunk and high. Vaas turned to me he was holding a little box. 

"I have a gift for you." He smiled

"You didn't have to." 

"It means a lot to my people. My native history." He handed the box to me. I smiled slightly and openned the box. A little necklace that has two feathers on eather side of these beads and in the middle of the necklace an arrow shaped jade stone. I smiled looking over at Vaas. "You like it? I made it myself." 

"Its very pretty. I love it. Question though. Why the arrow?" 

"The Arrow is a symbol of cleverness and speed. Not only its deadly, but the arrow is a guide you in life." He explained. I sighed and hugged him. 

"Thank you Vaas." 

"Happy Birthday Red." He smiled hugging me back. I took the necklace out of its little box and put it around my neck It was big enough to go around my head. He smiled seeing me in the necklace. 

"The feathers are from the Scarlet Ibis." He started to giggle is own little pun about me and that bird having the same name. I giggled along with him. 

Later that night after the fire has burnned out and we all go back to camp. Vaas led me to where I was held prisoner for a while inside that old bamboo cage was a male and a female. White people and dressed in some nice clothes. Vaas let go. He was happy one minute until that guy called him a freak. Then it switched to something I know all to well about. 

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