Part 2

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I don't really understand it. I'm not sure where it comes from.

That feeling that keeps growing, that tells me I'm done.

I keep trying to fight it. I tell myself I'm stronger.

That I won't allow that feeling to control me any longer.

But that's just another lie that I keep telling to myself.

They continue to add up, they're growing in their pace.

It's almost like I'm drowning like there is no where safe.

No matter where I turn,

no matter which path I take,

it just continues to pull me down,

down, where there is no escape.

But there's no way you could tell.

It's not like it's showing on my face.

The grief, the rage, no, it's all in its place.

In that corner of my mind that no one else can see.

I keep it locked away, hidden, like some kind of disease.

And much like a disease, I know that it's spreading.

Bit by bit and I keep dreading

the day that it wins, when it finally takes over.

That will be the end.

This life will be over.

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