Chapter 17

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Abigail's P.O.V.

I wake up with my head pounding and my back aching. It is terrible. It feels as if someone is trying to tear me into two.
I slowly sit up, collecting my disorientated thoughts.

Last night, I was at Elsa's. We drank. A lot. She had always had a bad influence on me. The only good part was forgetting about everything for some time, being carefree. It has been long since I've done that.

Then, I remember...... nothing. There was a little dancing. Jace was there, I guess. God, I hope I didn't do or say anything embarrassing. I get up, stumbling a little, walking towards the full length mirror on the other wall.

I must look like a mess.

But, to my surprise, the reflection staring back at me looks quite normal.

No makeup on my face, my hair in a pony, my eyes and lips devoid of all the mascara and gloss I put yesterday. Then, I notice my attire. I'm wearing one of Jace's shirt. That's all. Suddenly, my cheeks turn pink and I feel goose bumps rising on my skin.

Right at the moment, the door of the room opens and Jace enters. He freezes when he sees me, just like I do on seeing him.
His eyes slowly rake over my bare legs, even more exposed now than they were on our date. I wrap my arms around my body and clear my throat, feeling uncomfortable under his unshielded gaze.

"Um.... How are you feeling?" he asks, his eyes trained unusually still on my face. I can take a guess.

"Peachy" I say, but it comes out more like a squeak. He nods his head. "Breakfast is ready. I'll make you some coffee to help with the headache" he says, turning around to leave.

"Wait" I call out before I can process what I'm gonna ask. He turns around, looking at me expectantly. "Um... did I..... do something? Yesterday?"

A grin spreads slowly onto his face. "Apart from making me dance and getting on Landon's beloved car's roof, nothing much" he says in an amused voice

I gasp. "I did that!?" but I can't fight the small smile forcing itself on my face. I've always wanted to do that. Jace seems to understand what I'm thinking, cause he says, "Yeah. You threatened me to help you up" I chuckle

"Is Landon mad at me?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't be. "I don't think so. You were pretty adorable" he says sweetly. I blush.

"I'll let you be now. Shower up and come downstairs" he says, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

I quickly open the closet and snatch one of my jeans and an orange balloon top. Yes, my clothes are in Jace's closet. Don't ask me why, or how.

I wash my hair, blow dry them and quickly change. Once I open the door, the smell of coffee hits me hard. It doesn't even take a minute before I'm sitting with Landon, Audrey and Jace on the table.

"Here you go" Landon hands me my mug, taking a seat next to my sister. "You know, Landon told me that I was dancing on a table yesterday" Audrey says, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"At least you didn't climb on a car roof, drunk. I risked my life" I say, rolling my eyes. Audrey giggles. "Oh no, Gail. You made it pretty clear when you fell that you knew that Jace will catch you" Landon says with an amused smirk.

My eyes widen, and I slowly shift towards Jace to see him silently laughing. I stifle the groan trying to escape my throat and take a sip of coffee. "I'm sorry" I mutter

"Watching you two was worth everything" Landon laughs. "He even tucked you in bed" he adds, pointing towards Jace.

"Yeah. While you were tucking Audrey" Jace backfires, smirking. Landon mouths 'whatever' and continues with his eating, talking to Audrey casually.

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