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Abigail's P.O.V.

"Can you please hurry up? I feel like we're gonna miss our flight" Audrey screams in my ear as I try to zip my bag shut

"One second. I just got out of the hospital" I say, putting some lip gloss

"That was three days ago. Your head is completely fine" Audrey rolls her eyes.

"You know I've always been the one to pack at the end moments" I defend myself. I pick my bag and we both start heading downstairs.

"If you weren't so busy with all the kisses you've been sharing with Jace, you would have found the time to pack" Audrey comments. I don't even pretend to hide the blush which colors my cheek at the mention of his name.

It's true, Jace and I have been very close these past days. Staying near each other, stealing small touches, kissing without any worries. It's time for Landon and Audrey to complain about our frequent PDA.

"Look who's talking" I roll my eyes and flung my bag at Landon, who is standing beside the boot of the cab.

"Took you long enough" he comments, then leans in to kiss Audrey's cheek. I avert my gaze and look around for Jace.

"He's still inside" Landon says, hearing my thoughts. My feet move on their own and the next moment, I'm standing in our room."Jace?" I call out, peeking my head into his art room, which, unlike everyday, is open.

Suddenly, I'm wrapped in an embrace from behind. "I missed you" Jace says, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck and placing a gentle kiss on my bare skin

"We met, like, a couple of hours ago" I laugh, turning around in his arms.

"Exactly" he says, pressing a kiss on my lips. I've been much happier for him than for me. I'm glad that he's opening up to me, that he's more comfortable with me, that he doesn't have to pretend anything around me. I just feel special, kind of, to know that he has let down his defenses and has let me climb through his walls.

"Everyone's waiting" I say, my lips still tingling with the kiss.

"A minute more wouldn't kill them" he holds my hand and leads me deeper into the room. "I wanna show you something" We stop in front of a new painting, still damp and dripping. What amazes me is that it seems like a mirror showing the better me.

"You painted me?" I ask in amazement

"Took me hours just to get your eyes right" he says, rubbing the back of his neck. I look at the painting again. My eyes as bold as fire, my face as vibrant as the moon. I watch my hair cascading down my face like a waterfall, my lips a little pursued, as if I'm afraid yet determined.

"I'm not so beautiful" I say in awe

"I wish you can see yourself from my eyes" Jace says, kissing my cheek. I smile. Nothing has ever touched my soul as deep as this mere gesture.

 Nothing has ever touched my soul as deep as this mere gesture

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