Chapter 3: Kidnapped

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"Lets just get out of here, man" Arif told the rest. No-one disagreed. They had come here to help people and they weren't doing that. They all knew this little Afghan adventure shouldn't continue with Al-Qaeda and the Taliban with their strongest following. The Americans would find them accuse them of aiding Bin Laden.

Even though the sun scorched down the sandy dessert of Kandahar the rain was flooding down from the sky in torrents. They definitely knew they couldn't walk to Pakistan so they asked a man whether he could give them a lift to the border. The man looked very religious and we had no reason to not believe what he told us.

In reality he was a Taliban recruiter, kidnapping people to join the Taliban.

"Mate, you sure this is taking us to Pakistan?" said Monir, breaking the silence.

The driver remained silent. They thought this meant he didn't understand English so they repeated in Urdu.

The silence that followed was deafening.

They suddenly realized they weren't going to Pakistan.

They noticed his car keys on the side had very long initials. 'LLOBL'

Long Live Osama Bin Laden.

Guantanamo: Living HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora