Chapter 4:The Unforgivable Choice

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Arif jumped on the driver while Monir tried to steady the car. However, the car was swerving to the left and right, over and over again. Arif kept strangling the driver yet the driver managed to pull out a thick blade which he plunged into Arif's stomach. Arif's hold on the driver was released as Arif slumped in his seat, yelping with the pain. Luckily, the force of Raheem, Saeed and Monir was enough to knock the driver clean out and, since the driver hand's were stuck on the handle the door flung open and left him in a very sticky end. The opening of the door span the car in a circular fashion which allowed it topple over on to its side.

* * *

When they woke up from being unconscious, they climbed from out the wreck and rose up from the debris. Yet, only Saeed and Raheem were in the car. As they stood next to the remains of the car they noticed they were surrounded by at least 10 men with AK-47s. They saw Monir and a now-fully-healed Arif on their knees, arms behind their heads and guns pointed directly towards them. A sort-of leader stepped forward and said ' I see what you've to Adil.' The man had a long nose with a bandana around his neck. His voice had a slight accent but he sounded very intimidating. Raheem shared a confused look with Saeed. 

'Sorry, er...who's Adil?' Saeed said in a soft manner which followed by a subtle nudge by Raheem.

'YOU KNOW BLOODY WELL WHO ADIL IS, YOU ARE STANDING NEXT TO HIS BLOODY CAR!' said the man, recieving a shudder from Saeed and a solemn look from Raheem. 

'You kill my man I kill your's, right. That's fair.' he continued. 

'But I'm not evil. I'll let you two pick who we should kill. Then you follow us. To our "camp" shall we say.'

Now Raheem and Saeed had to choose which one of their closest friends would die.

An impossible choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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