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You ever just look up from your life and think "this is it? Is this everything?"

Well, I think everyone does at some point. It's nothing bad, but it really isn't always that good either. You probably lack love, friendship, company, or whatever it may be.
You feel lost. You are alone. You want to hide from everything, but hiding isn't the solution to the helplessness. What IS the solution? Is there one?
I don't know?
But actually I do, although it isn't easy and it doesn't always work out...
My solution? Just pick up your life and start changing things you don't like. Easy right?

No. It isn't. Because life isn't easy. And people aren't easy and everything sucks. Don't let those thaughts rooth into your mind, never ever. You don't need that toxicity. So don't think like that ever again! And correct yourself when you do.

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