Chapter 1

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"Jiyoon Oppa, wake upppp!” I whined, shaking my brother, who actually didn’t stir, like wtf?! I knew it was Jiyoon Oppa because of his caramel brown dyed hair. He was probably gonna make us late to school again. Not me, I could walk with Ash, if everyone in the family wasn’t overprotective. And I went to Jiwoon Oppa.

“Oppa? Wake up please!” I asked, shaking him. I squealed as Kosei, Kasei, Shinsei and Ryusei yapped at me, before scurring downstairs. Wait...was this Jiwoon Oppa or Jihoon Oppa? Now I’m confused again. I went to check my “which Oppa is who” reference board. There was a picture of each of my brothers, they all had different coloured hair and their names next to them. The hair helped me remember who was who. And it was definitely Jiwoon Oppa, because of his silvery gray dyed hair. I mean, of course, Jihoon Oppa was probably already up, studying for an exam today. Probably Chinese, he always stresses out for that.

“Oppaaaaa!” I continued. Well, they asked for it, “Oppa! Jiyoon Oppa! Jiwoon Oppa! HELP! KIDNAPPERS! HELP, HELP!  HELP!” I screamed very convincingly at the top of my voice, and the whole family was awake with weapons, their faces wild and fearless. Apparently Jiyoon and Jiwoon slept with blades and chains under their pillows and bed because yep, they had them in their hands. Oops…. Even the puppies came, dragging the kittens and cats along.

“Where are they?!” Haeseong Oppa roared.

“STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!” Eomma shrieked, brandishing her huge and sharp kitchen chopping knife. The rest of the family yelled and shouted.

“Wait, wait!” I said and they all looked at me, “I’m just trying to wake up Jiyoonie and Jiwoonie Oppa, nobody’s hurting me!” And the family "phewed".

"Sweetie, you had me so worried! Don't do that, okay?" Eomma told me and the whole family came to hug me, with their weapons aside.

"We love you Hoshi Yeodongsaeng, you're our favourite sister!" Hanseong Oppa told me.

"I'm your only sister," I reminded him and Hanseong Oppa "oh"-ed. 

"Now that you two are awake, can we please hurry up for school?" I begged, picking up all nine of the kittens, they're so small! Dalbyeol and Hikari leapt onto my head. Nisshoku, Getsumen, Eoseuleum and Cheonche were on my shoulders and clinging onto my arms That's how tiny all of them are. Really, really smol. Kuroboshi, Tsuki and Noyoru were in my arms.

"Fine," Jiyoon Oppa replied, though he hated school, and raced Jiwoon Oppa to the bathroom, "Dang, how does Jiwoon always manage to go before me?!"

“You mean ddaeng,” I said slyly and my family laughed at my BTS pun, and Eomma went downstairs. 

"You aren't quick enough," Jihoon replied, "Haeseong Hyung, can you test me on Chinese?" Haeseong Oppa nodded and they both went downstairs.

“I’m hungry,” I whined and Hanseong picked me up, put me on his back and ran down the stairs. I squealed and put my arms around his neck tightly as he ran quickly downstairs.

"Oppa! The kittens, for their lives!" I squealed.

“Don’t run down the stairs loudly!” Appa scolded from his study.

“Yah! Oppa don’t drop me!” I squealed and Hanseong dropped me on the table, massaging his neck.

“You have a tight grip, Hoshi-ah,” Hanseong chuckled.

"Well I was scared, what do you expect?" I replied, glaring at him. He shrugged and went to get himself cereal. We had a café, which was the bottom floor, where we are now. The café called the Coffee Club Café (Keopi Kulleob Kape in Korean, Kohikurabukafe in Japanese).

"Hoshi-ah, your skirt is too short!" Jiwoon Oppa gasped, tugging it down.

"Oppa! What are you doing?!" I asked, nudging him slightly.

"Your. Skirt. Way. Too. Short," Jiwoon began hyperventilating. Oh lord....and I tugged my skirt just above my knees.

"Thank god the socks are knee high," Hanseong Oppa muttered and Jiyoon Oppa nodded in agreement. God, these Oppas.

"Haeseongie Oppa, Jihoonie Oppa, my skirt isn't too short, is it?" I asked, walking up to a round table in the corner. Haeseong Oppa sipped his expresso slowly without replying. Jihoon Oppa merely tugged it down. I sighed and walked off to get some hot chocolate for myself.

"Oppas? Anything to drink?" I asked.

"Can I have a latte, Hoshi-ah? Thank you!" Jiwoon Oppa requested and I instantly rushed over to him and gave him his latte.

"Thanks kiddo," he smiled and sighed before looking at his Chinese textbook.

"Hard, huh?" I asked sympathetically.

"A bit," Jiwoon admitted.

"I'd rather do a Japanese exam," Jiyoon said bitterly.

"We are semi fluent in Japanese, what do you expect," Hanseong Oppa sighed, "Shortie, can you pass me a bowl of sugar?"

"Oppa, don't call me shortie," I pouted, crossing my arms, "Also why don't you get it yourself?"

"Nope, you'll give it to me, shortie," Hanseong Oppa replied matter-of-factly.

"Shortie, can you refill my latte?" Jiyoon Oppa began. Great, they're teasing my height again.

"Oppa stop," I demanded, pouting more.

"Not until you get me my latte and Hanseong Hyungs sugar," Jiyoon replied and I whined.

"Meanies!" I whined, "Oppa save me," I begged Jiwoon, pouting immensely. He sighed and told Hanseong and Jiyoon to stop, and got up himself to get the latte and sugar.

"If you both are sporty and fit, why can't you be bothered to do it yourself?" He sighed, hugging me.

"I'm not a shortie," I told them.

"Okay shortcake," Hanseong said and Jiyoon Oppa burst into laughter and, much to my annoyance, he high fived Hanseong in approval.

"You guys are mean!" I told them and sipped my hot chocolate, "Haeseongie Oppa, Jihoonie Oppa, Hanseongie and Jiyoonie are being mean!" I complained because it usually works on them.

"Oh damn," Jiyoon cursed.

"Leave Hoshi-ah alone you unkind beings!" Haeseong shouted.

"Not again!" Jihoon Oppa groaned.

"Kids, be quiet!" Appa shouted from upstairs.

"Well done you guys, you got us in trouble," Jiwoon Oppa sighed, "Come on, we should get walking to the bus stop."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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