intro (ii)

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jaemin's p.o.v

when we entered the guidance office, we saw that there was no person inside, so we just sat down and started talking about unnecessary things, but then someone enters so we had to cut our conversation. it was the guidance counselor, mr. lim, and he was with a police officer? what the hell was a police officer doing here?

mr. lim looked at us sadly before speaking, "jeno, jaemin, i called you here to deliver you very,very bad news" mr.lim said, then he gestured the officer to tell us about the news huh? wait, don't tell me this is what i think it is..

jeno and i exchanged looks. we were so fucking confused, "i really don't know how to say this to you.." i read his name tag, it says :moon taeil

wait what the fuck is happening?!

taeil-hyung sighs before proceeding to tell us the news "so no one came to fetch your brother jisung today" wait what? "he was crying non-stop, so we called your parents, but none of them were answering" he continues

"we had no option but to return jisung to your house, when we rang the doorbell, no one answered" my heartbeat started to increase rapidly, scared of the next words that were gonna roll off taeil-hyung's mouth. i looked at jeno, and i could tell that he was feeling the same way.

"when we entered, strangely, no one was inside the house. but we found a note."
taeil searches through his pocket before handing a small note to me. it says: 'we're sorry' "i don't know who wrote that, but i'll just go straight to the point, your parents are missing. and we don't know where they are." taeil hyung states flatly.

my hands began shaking before small beads of tears started to form in my eyes.
i sobbed hysterically, everything was happening way too fast! yesterday, we were happily eating dinner but now, they're missing?

jeno tried to comfort me, he was too, crying but he knows i can't handle situations like this, so he tries his best to comfort me while whisphering calming things to my ear

"jaem, don't cry.. we'll be fine.. c'mon.." jeno tries to make me stand up,but my wobbly legs won't follow, so i ended up falling on the floor, luckily, jeno caught me and stood me up, assisting me so i could stand up again

"do you want me to take you home?" taeil hyung asks, concern and worry evident in his voice "yes please, my brother and i can't ride our bikes right now" jeno answers

taeil hyung just nods and gestures us to follow him so he could take us home "b-but nono, what about our bikes?" i whimper, and look at him with teary eyes "tsk, our parents are missing, and you're not in a very good state right now, and you're still worried about our bikes?" jeno smiles and pats my head. i nod cutely and he shakes his head in mere disapproval

"let's go home jaem" he says before opening the door of taeil hyung's car, gesturing me to go inside, i obliged and taeil hyung then starts the engine, the car starts and without me noticing, i fell asleep

wow the intro is so trashy ( i'm so sorry jaem and nono :-( well hehe i'm also sorry for not updating for almost 4 months, i was really busy..)

-doe ⚡️

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