The Beginning

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3rd Person POV

The moment had come, the starter Loomians had finally hatched, they started to all crack at the same time, then, they finally hatched! A Dripple,Weevolt, Embit, Eaglit, Fevine, Vambat, and Snocub hatched from each of the eggs, 

A few years later

Fevine's POV

I was sleeping on my tree stump that I claimed ever since I was hatched, I was peacefully sleeping there until......

"WEEVOLT GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

I guessed it was probably Weevolt and Embit at it again, I woke up and looked at the two, Embit chasing Weevolt because again, Weevolt probably stole something from Embit, they ran around the zone and they never seem to stop until Vambat flew below and said,


They stopped and stared at Vambat, at this moment, Embit sneakily took his stuff back and hopped away quickly. Weevolt just didn't do anything about it because Vambat was usually the quiet one, I then spoke,

"Why can't you guys just get along?"

Weevolt and me are the only females here by the way


I sighed and just got back to sleep

The Next Day

Dripple's POV

I woke up on the rock in the middle of our little pond, I then stood up waiting for everyone other than Eaglit to wake up, he's always the first one to wake up out of all of us, outside was raining, and it looked very gloomy and dark, with us safe inside, we don't have to worry, personally, me nor Fevine have to worry about anything, everyone else woke up and then we started to chat, Vambat was just watching over me and Weevolt conversating, Embit was just talking to Eaglit, and of course, Fevine was asleep

Then we saw the lab human's husband and later, followed by a child, the lab human was chatting with them and then walked in our pen, then she called all of us, the lab human then saw that Fevine were still sleeping, the lab human then called Fevine, she woke up and stood next to Vambat

One of us had to be chosen to accompany this human on their journey he/she then chose Fevine, we were all sad to see her go, she didn't look very excited, then the lab human pulled out her capture disk and then asked the human child for a battle, lab human sent out a Kabunga and the child sent out his/her Fevine

Fevine's POV

I was chosen to battle our dear friend Kabunga! I had to follow the child's commands because at this point, I was her Loomian! I didn't feel up to battling, I was struggling with every move, then after I shot out my last Petal Pummel before Kabunga fainted, I felt like a horrible Loomian for doing that, it wasn't bad for my first battle, I quite enjoyed it when I heard the news that Kabunga didn't actually DIE

Snocub's POV

After that, we all said our goodbyes before Fevine left, we all felt sad that she had to go, but we knew this would happen because it was our destiny

Later that day, we all were picked to be the others' beginner Loomians

Fevine's POV

This child nicknamed me Flanna, and I don't know, the name kinda stuck to me, so I guess that's my name now, I guess my friends can't just call me fevine now because I ACTUALLY have a name

We were on our way to Silvent city and stopped at Cheshma town and I found someone fimiliar looking

Then I realized that it was Vambat! It was nice to see an old friend, I nudged my trainer to go see my Vambat, apparently, he/she understood and let me go see him! I ran over to Vambat and caught his attention! He then looked at me

"Fevine? Is that you? What are you doing at Cheshma town?" Vambat said

I then explained to him that we stopped here, but we're on our way to Silvent city, Vambat then nodded and then, I told him that my name's Flanna, he was surprised that I got a name, since he wasn't really THAT familiar with humans, he didn't think they'd think THAT far to name us, they did. Vambat only thought his trainer named him, he was definitely wrong

"Well, we're also heading to Silvent City, so shall we go together?" Vambat asked

"Sure" I said

"How's it going so far?" Vambat started to conversate

"Good, but though, I didn't get to sleep as much as before, it's still fine" I said

"Hey, Flanna, my trainer named me Victo, so, it'll be great if you'd call me by my name" Vambat told me

"Alright Victo" I said

Our trainers called us and we looked at them in despair, our plan was to make them let us travel together, I was happy when they agreed

Dripple's POV

Me and my trainer was just getting some Kabunga Coffee for me to hold I guess, then we got a free sample from the shopkeeper, he then gave the Kabunga Coffee to me, then someone entered the shop, it was Fevine and Vambat! I was so excited to see them! I couldn't stop myself from hopping and pointing at them to my trainer

"What's up Draynor?" he spoke

He then looked over to Fevine and Vambat, and yes, he did name me Draynor, I'm fine with it though, I think it's a pretty cool name

"Are those your friends? Ok! Let's go see them alright?" he said

I nodded and ran over to Fevine and Vambat, after 29 minutes of talking all of our trainers decided to travel as a group, my trainer then told all of us to go to the Gale Forest to explore first, we all agreed and walked over there

When we reached, there was an old man talking with some officers, and the officers said he was going crazy or something like that, then all of us walked over to him and he started to talk to our trainers, later on, our trainers said we should go help the girl that already insisted that she could help him, we tried our best to catch up to her

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