Kanoko Village

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Shoichi's POV:

My trainer and I have decided that we should change my name, since it's not very fitting with my new evolution, so we decided to just change it, and then we decided to call me Sordo, I agreed to this, and Ian was happy

Alright, so after we told everyone, they were just happy for me and Ian, even though the name Shoichi had already stuck to them

"Alright everyone! Even though it pains me! Let's continue to route 4!" Elisa spoke

We all nodded in response and made our way to route 4, 

"Sordo! I where do you think we're going next?" Elazar whispered to me excitedly

"I don't know, ask Victo" I said

"Alrighty then" Elazar spoke, and then left

Victo's POV

I saw Elazar come running up to me, he then excitedly asked where we're going next, even though we know what battle theatre and all that stuff, we still didn't know where we're heading next, but I know

"We're heading to Kanoko Village first" I said

"COOL!" Elazar shouted, making everyone else, well, not the trainers, turn around

"What's up with you Elazar?" Flanna asked

"Nothing much, just asking Victo some important stuff" he spoke

"Oh really?" Walentya countered

"Y-Yeah!" Elazar spoke worriedly

"What important stuff then?" Walentya questioned

"W-Well, you se-" Elazar couldn't finish his sentence before I cut him off

"He asked me where we're going next" I coldly responded

Everyone turned to look at each other in confusion off some sort

"When did you become so cold?" Walentya asked

"I'm not" I spoke

Everyone then shrugged it off, and continued walking, then our trainers got stopped by 3 kids, spoke to our trainers and then one of them demanded for a battle, they sent one of them, which I think they said her name was Lucy

"Right, I'll take care of this girl" Daymon said

He then told me that it's time to battle, Lucy sent out Phancub first

After the battle, I was exhausted and they said that we still have to fight Lucas, and Elazar will take over for me, I thanked him and continued to watch them battle

After they battled, our trainers healed us with small meds, and then we were on our way through the cave

After a series full of trainer battles, we have come to an end to see Kanoko village, we then stepped forward and we found that it was a quite nice village indeed

After a series full of trainer battles, we have come to an end to see Kanoko village, we then stepped forward and we found that it was a quite nice village indeed

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